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FL Sheriff Says Homeowners Can Save Taxpayers Money by Shooting Intruders

FL Sheriff press conference: A number of years ago a shooter shot and killed a Sheriff's Deputy. The cops chased him into a swamp and shot and killed him. At the press conference a reporter asked him why the suspect was shot 50 times. The Sheriff responded "Because we ran out of bullets."

When the second amendment was written, there was no such thing as a police department. Every city, every town, had their own local militia which would stand up in times of war or be called upon by the locals to catch criminals or fight off attackers. The towns and cities were self-reliant and it was expected that every able-bodied man would know how to shoot and use a gun so they could defend not only themselves but their community. The first police force wasn't created until 60 years later, and even then only in Boston. It took almost a century before America had anything like what we have today. So the 2nd amendment was not intended for the Police. It was intended for every person who wanted to defend their home, their community, their country. This guy has it right. Completely. We can't rely on the Police, they won't ever be there fast enough. Instead, we need to be ready to do it ourselves, if needed. Home invasions often lead to injury or death for the homeowner. This criminal had a history that basically made it a matter of time until he accidentally killed someone. I'd rather the criminal die than the innocent home owner.

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