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Transgender people should BE REQUIRED to state the sex to which they are sexually attracted and aroused by. If someone calls them by the wrong gender, they should also RE REQUIRED to inform the person as to how they should have been able to idenify their desired gender. The confusion as to their intentions CAUSES many of the resentment and belittling they face.
Stephen Crowder tries (and fails) to make sense of the confusion:

And then, what about the poor children they drag into these amalgams?
  1. A man who is sexually attracted to women and then believes he's woman "transitions" to a woman. He (she?) continues to be sexually attracted to women, so therefore, becomes a lesbian?
  2. A man who is sexually attracted to men, a homosexual, and then believes he's woman "transitions" to a woman. He (she?) continues to be sexually attracted to men, so therefore, becomes a heterosexual?
  3. A man who is sexually attracted to women and then believes he's woman "transitions" to a woman. He (she?) continues to be sexually attracted to other men who have "transitioned" to also become a woman, so therefore, becomes a lesbian?
  4. A man who is sexually attracted to men, a homosexual, and then believes he's woman "transitions" to a woman. He (she?) continues to be sexually attracted to other men who have "transitioned" to also become a woman, so therefore, becomes a heterosexual?
  5. A man who is sexually attracted to men, a homosexual, and then believes he's woman "transitions" to a woman. He (she?) becomes sexually attracted to women who have "transitioned" to become a man, so therefore, becomes a heterosexual?
  6. Ditto for women, just reverse the rolls
  7. And there are probably more bizarre combinations
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