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Marriage, Sexuality and the "Gay" Agenda
A Moral Wrong Can Never be a Constitutional right
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From Mission America: The Damage of Homosexuality
The Bible on Marriage & Homosexuality
Satanic Temple head: "More than 50% of our membership is LGBTQ"
"Our chapters are always involved with Pride parades in the United States," he said.
The Reality: It's All Queer, All Year
Homosexuals believe in the random chance of "evolution." Most state they were "born that way," as if their gender confusion is coded in their DNA. If that's the case, how many gay apes handed down their genes?
The 1972 Gay Rights Platform
Platform created at the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago in 1972.
Note that every item in this document has been attained except "State Level" items 3, 7 and 8 - Repeal of ALL law on the age of consent, and allowing any number of men, women, or mix be allowed in a marriage.
Click here to read
- Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.
- Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with retroactive benefits.
- Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting discriminations against homosexuals in security clearances.
- Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples.
- Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.
- Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.
- Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling, maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual's sexual preferences, behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks.
- Federal funding of aid programs of gay men's and women's organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.
- Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers, prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration be immediately expunged.
- All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above should be implemented at the State level where applicable.
- Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons; equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws.
- Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.
- Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one's personal demesne.
- Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.
- Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.
- Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
- Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.
Finished reading
Planned Parenthood, ACLU oppose ban on child marriages
Proof - they really want, sex with children. Today 14 year olds, what's next, 10? No California Shouldn't Decriminalize Adult Sex With 14-Year-Olds
The whole LGBTQ agenda is driven by the lie that gender orientaion issues were re-classified from mental disorders to natural and normal by the American Psychological Association (APA), who were pressured and swayed by a vocal minority to do so.
Read & Listen to the truth behind those changes and why the APA is completely unreliable: In Quest to Normalize Polyamory American Psychological Association Loses All Credibility
Spotlight Issues
Sick of "pride" garbage. Enough already!
Mission: America: The Twilight of Pride in America
Bishop got it right. -likened transgenderism to a man who identified as a pirate since childhood having his hand amputated and a hook put in its place
Even liberal Bill Maher is coming around, finally [X]
Poll: Most Americans Side With J.K. Rowling: Only Two Genders
While Republicans were the most likely to agree, at a massive 92 percent, majorities of Democrats (61 percent) and independents (73 percent) also agree that there are only two genders.
Pope Benedict, as JOSEPH Cardinal RATZINGER Prefect in 1986 Letter To The Bishops Of The Catholic Church On The Pastoral Care Of Homosexual Persons
With video on Redemption and Salvation: Federal Court Strikes Down Tampa's Ban on Counseling for Minors Seeking Freedom
Recovery from Sexual Dysfunction is not only possible, it's real!
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
LGBTQ Ideologues' Propaganda Brainwashing The Young, and Younger Still
Transgender Delusions Debunked by Dr. Cretella
Read or Listen: Drop Out of Diversity Re-education Struggle Sessions While You Can
The Black Lives Matter assault in the nation's schools is bigger and more intrusive than people realize. Along with that is a new wave of radical LGBT indoctrination
Clearly a sexual abuse loophole exploited by homosexual men
Just as with Dear Abby, the "Born that way" fallacy is constantly exposed by the truth. Even the New York Times can't hide the fact that there are (often identifiable) after birth causes for gender bending.
Knowing the following narrative contradicts the agenda, they gloss over the reveal using "didn't discover her homosexuality," (mid-20s? How can this be??) as if it was always there, like a mole on the shoulder that was never noticed. -
Sam Jay: A Comic Who Belongs to No Camp
Nearly a third of Poland has declared 'LGBT-free zones.' The EU is denying funds
You Won't Believe What Kind Of Sex Ed LGBT Activists Want In Texas Public Schools
The new left says you're a bigot unless you have sex with EVERY gender
Rev. Sheldon, a giant for families, passes
The Queer Movement Wants To Convert Christians, Not Coexist
Poland gets it right Polish president compares 'LGBT ideology' to Soviet indoctrination [PDF]
If love is love, why can't this poor lady marry her chandelier? [PDF]
Insanity! Read or Listen: The Rise of Homosexual Family Madness
Read or Listen: The "LGB" and "T" Mobs Unleash the Morality-Phobic Monster
Scott Lively: 2020: The final culture-war battle is coming [PDF]
Read or Listen: Holiday Depravity and Arrogance from Theater Community
From Church Militant with 1.5 hour video
Covers all angles of homosexuality in our society
Read or Listen: What All Conservatives Must Learn to Defeat "Trans" Activism
Satan's Pimps
Not "born that way," groomed into the deathstyle To Affirm LGBT Ideology Is to Support Abuse
The Recruitment Process
- First, cast doubt as to their sexuality (Tom-boys, boys playing with their sister's dolls, etc.)
- Grooming - Drag Queen Story Hour, Forcing queer books in their faces at the youngest age possible.
- Identify those who can be manipulated (tough father, domineering mother, withdrawn, anti-social, etc.)
- Affirm and convince the child to try, take child under their wing.
- Weed out the ones who cave and comply. Recruitment Complete!
Proof of their successes: LGBTQ+ Adults Are Coming Out at Younger Ages Than in the Past
The alphabet homosexual cabals don't frighten me
Ellen DeGeneres practically admits she wasn't "born that way."
Marie Osmond Thought 'I was gay' After Being Sexually Abused - Video
5 Reasons People Don't Trust the Media on 'LGBT' Issues
Read or Listen: Mattel's New Gender Neutral Dolls
Can Homosexuality Spread Via Culture? - And, there is no "gay gene"
Video: The insanity of a crazy "non-binary" category
Related to above Video: Weird Al tells it like it is Born This Way a non-defendable position
Read or Listen: Hate Hoaxes Have a Home Here
Video: Stephen Crowder on Pedophilia, Drag Queens, transgender
Terry Shilling LGBT History Effort Is An Assault On Parental Rights
Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society
Selling the Rainbow: Why Rainbow-Washing Is Actually Bad Marketing
Videos: "Gays" admit they weren't born that way -video Bonus article - nobody is Born gay and the "Gay Agenda" exposed
Video: June 26, 2019 rally at U.S. Supreme Court to protest 2015 Obergefell ruling on same-sex marriage
World Net Daily:
'Poisoned': School convinces 6-year-old she's not a girl
Illinois Family Institute:
Leftists Have Intolerance and Bigotry All Wrong
It's Not The Equality Act, It's The Pedophile Protection Act
Public Discourse:
What We Don't Know: Does Gender Transition Improve the Lives of People with Gender Dysphoria?
Public Discourse:
Understanding Gender Dysphoria and Its Treatment in Children and Adolescents
Actual Science:
Proof - Not "Born That Way"
Illinois Family Institute:
The Criminalization of Christianity Primarily by the LGA2Z?
Illinois Family Institute:
Should Christians Approve of Homosexuals Adopting?
American Thinker:
Is America Worse Than Sodom And Gomorrah?
Homosexual "parents" and adoptions:
First, it's unthinkable. Then, it's permitted. Then, it's mandatory.
Hope for Recovery. It's not immutable:
Ex-transgenders wish they would have 'just chilled out' with Video
More from Illinois Family Institute
Homo RICO: The Feds Need to Bust Big Gay
With links to articles on sexual abuse in the gay community & gay culture's racism
'Gay' couple married by Ginsburg now arrested for rape
The Left and Absolute Sexual Freedom
Transgender causes, childhood abuse, trauma, identified:
Andrea Chu, Boy Erased: Self-Negation and Self-Harm Define the "Trans" Ideology
"there is no guarantee it will make me happier. In fact, I don't expect it to... People transition because they think it will make them feel better. The thing is, this is wrong"
Scott Lively: Mr. President, stop your global LGBT campaign
Illinois Family Institute: Buttigieg, Benson, Rubin, and Marriage
Illinois Family Institute: The Corruption of the GOP
Illinois Family Institute: A Christlike Response to Sexual Anarchy
Blasphemy! Colleges Queering The Bible And God
Video: Absolute proof the abortion industry is tightly linked with homosexuals
MassResistance: It's time to STRONGLY oppose the Transgender Movement
Debunking the HBT arguments, from religious to family
Conversation with Homosexual Journalist Equip yourself with rebuttals
Media and the Rise of Homosexuality
Video: Homosexual Mafia - Mike Wallace's 1967 CBS report - pre-"gay" days
G. Edward Griffin, Need To Know HBT Story Archive:
Proof that gender disfunction is a mental illness sympton
HBT expressions of sexual attraction and arousal are not "who you are" or even "what you do." They are simply symptoms of deeper psychological issues such as depression and low self-worth that manifest as gender dysfunction.
To wit, a major homosexual group evens admits this to be true, albeit unwittingly:
Report: LGBT youth in Massachusetts struggle with depression, discrimination
Then, they want any doctor who is willing and able to treat this issue to lose their license and be locked up!
Absolute Proof that gender disfunction is a mental illness
Liberal media article reveals the depth of mental issues inherent in gender confusion. These poor souls found exhilaration when
dressing as the opposite sex as a form of therapy. Sadly, they went from one mental problem to another:
7 Transgender and Non-Binary People Share How Drag Helped Their Mental Health
Real therapy, which is outlawed, would help them lead a normal life. Instead, their lives become obsessed in dress-up and they become part of the
Inculcation, Indoctrination, Recruitment and Exploitation that is the LGBQAtoZ existence.
Gay porn, murder, horrendous sex acts, animal cruelty
Woman who consummated marriage to zombie doll says people think it's a dead child
Again, Dear Abby proves LGBTQ+ is symptom of mental problem
Beyond comical: New York Times is all in for the homogenda with a story about 'gay' penguins, extolling the lifestyle and their parenting skills as being "great, diligent, careful egg-warming," and tearing down normal parents as "pretty bad, distracted and negligent." -
The Gay Penguins of Australia - PDF east to read version
Nothing but fabulous in the news room
Homosexual "married" men pull off GoFundMe hoax. Probably a lot of HBT's donated, but where's the outrage? Even though GoFundMe refunded donations, they were still played by their own ilk. Must be so proud to fly the rainbow. Better luck next time, try using MoFundMe instead.
Was the cancer fake? Alabama couple attempted medical fundraising hoax, report says
Update on Jason Martinez and Julian Baker
Video: ABC Nightline and hoax hunter expose the crime
'Theybies' Are More Likely to be Bullied
Alaska girl reportedly expelled after she knees boy in groin in girls' bathroom [PDF]
Sodom: This Worcester fashion show aims to change the beauty industry, promote empowerment through diverse representation "Diverse?" More like "perverse"
Trump admin considering narrowing legal definition of 'gender,' and there are only two. The Meltdown Begins - [PDF]
Sanity! Hungary Considers Bill To Require Only Biological Gender Allowed On All Legal Documents
Marches celebrate liberation from LGBT lifestyle in Christ
Homofascism, Hypocrisy - The mention of a "Striaght Pride" month shows their total intolerance. Read here
Why "Gay Marriage" is a slippery slope:
LGBTQ runs from adding MAP to alphabet soup
7 reasons the transgender revolution will fail
Gay identity, Christianity incompatible
Socially Constructing Polymorphous Perversity
Sicko Californication - Gov. Jerry Brown's Gay Porn Push In Schools
Culture of Death embraced by LGBT
Judge at center of Alfie Evans case is a pro-gay activist
World watches as Alfie Evans' life hangs in the balance
Former lesbian campaigns against AB 2943
Scott Lively - Will Spacey scandal expose 'gay' male obsession with young teens?
Hollywood Chickenhawk Scandal Part Two - (Article on Barbwire)
Video: - The truth about Kinsey and Hugh Hefner (Kinsey's Pamphleteer)
Hugh Hefner's Real Legacy: Disease, Despair, and Death [PDF]
Prof sounds alarm over same-sex 'studies' on children
Debunked! - Biological argument for homosexuality examined - Powerful Statistics
Video: - Coming Out as a Homophobe
Video: - Protect Women from perverts and predators
Video: - 7 Lies of the "Gay" movement
Uganda Video: - Obama: Is this what you want to bring to Africa as a human right? To eat the poo poo?
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) scandal
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Homophobia, Redefined:
"Homophobic" - let's turn it back on them
"They" use the term liberally against anyone opposing their agenda. While it literally means "fear of man," they generally say it means "Hatred of anything LGBTQ."
The NEW definition will be more true to the meaning, "Fear of Homosexuals." This would apply to politicians, teachers, schools, churches, and companies who cave into their every demand so as not to incur their wrath, which is in the form of intimidation, marginalization, denigration, legal action, boycotts and physical attacks, among other things.
How do people give in? This would include "Celebrating Pride" in any number of ways, like classrooms full of rainbow flags, having "diversity training," offering courses promoting homosexuality, pronoun misuse, a new one: voice training for "transgenders," distortion of the Bible, marching in their parades, etc.
What to do? Challenge anyone falling for their lies or demands and say they are homophobic for doing so.
If someone insists that homophobia means "hatred of homosexuals," simply say, "Yes, you are right. Affirming a life style that is hazardous to their health and contrary to God's Laws means you do hate them, you don't care about their health or their salvation."
Point out that those who counsel Repentance and Redemption are actually the ones who love them.
Related stories of homophobic actions:
Trudeau gov't to give $100 million to LGBT groups across Canada
Mayor caves: Springfield's inaugural Pride parade
Rep. Jacob Oliveira joins Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno and other city officials in raising city's Pride flag for Pride month
US. Sens. Markey, Warren question State Department refusal to fly rainbow flags at embassies during Pride month
Sen. Ed Markey, Rep. Joe Kennedy introduce bill to ban 'gay panic' defense in court cases
For first time in the city's history, Pride flag flies at Westfield City Hall
There is Only "H"
There is only H [PDF]
All of the following are simply variants of "H" (Homosexual)
Abrosexual, Aceflux, Agender, Ambiamorous, Androgynous, Aroace, Aroflux, Aromantic, Asexual, Bigender, Bisexual, Demifluid, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Gay/MLM/Vinician, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Genderqueer, Gender questioning, Graysexual, Intersex, Lesbian, Maverique, Neutrois, Nonbinary, Omnisexual, Pangender, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polysexual, Transgender, Trigender, Two Spirit, Progress Pride, Queer, Unlabeled
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The Truth about Diversity, Inclusiveness, Tolerance:
Click here to continue reading ...
You can't get more diverse and gender-inclusive than heterosexuality, God's design of 100% gender diversity and equality orientation, i.e. male + female, 1 man + 1woman.
big�ot (big'-uht) n. - One who is strongly partial to one's own group [e.g. sex] and is intolerant of those who differ. - American Heritage Dictionary
Homosexuality causes one to be strongly partial to one's own gender and utterly intolerant of those who differ (in the name of 'love').
Transgenderism causes one to be strongly partial to one's own internal gender and intolerant of their external gender that differs.
- Homosexuality is a 100% anti-diversity orientation and gender-exclusive (i.e. gender bigotry in the name of 'love').
- Lesbianism is a 100% anti-diversity orientation and gender-exclusive (i.e. gender bigotry in the name of 'love').
Homosexuals need to learn to celebrate the gender diversity of the complentary sex and stop following their gender bigotry. "I was born that way" is no excuse for bigotry.
- Transgenderism is self-stereotyping and 100% anti-diversity orientation (i.e. rejection of internal/external diversity, e.g. feeling internally female and being externally male) They could solve their own problem by celebrating their diversity by dressing according to their biologically assigned gender.
- Bisexuality dilutes the 100% gender diversity and inclusiveness intrinsic to Heterosexuality. It reauires at least 3 people in a marriage and requires possibly all bisexuals to be in one marriage if they all hypothetically "fell in love" with each other. Yet there is no law respecting bisexuality! Hypocrites!
- Whatever they come up with is never going to make sense.
Which is better for children?
A) The diversity and equality of one mom and one dad mentoring diversity and equality?
B) The gender imbalance and bigotry of homosexuality or any other sexual perversion.
For example, when two male-biased homosexual men want a male-dominated family with children they must contract a woman as a second-class sperm incubator. The child's mother will then be excluded from the family simply because she is a different gender! This is like slavery and the woman may even want to be a slave to support the male-domination, and it's okay!?!?!?
See how you can easily demolish their foolish ideas?
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God
Are you demolishing every argument and pretension like our Lord did?
Finished Reading
Thank you, Dear Abby and Ask Amy, for unwittingly revealing the truth that gender issues are symptoms of psychological problems, learned behavior and from abuse
Use BACK button to return
After many years of evidence that diametrically opposes the HomoSpeak about "born that way" and "natural and normal,"
2 letters suspiciously show up in what appears to be an effort to validate a "born that way" theory and to prove acceptance is possible and ideal.
For the first time, not just 1, but 2 pro-mo letters to Dear Abby appeared in the showcase Sunday edition, although one letter is a rerun from 2007. As with any news story or
biography trying to show a positive side to the behavior, each of these is 2 to 3 times the length of the average Dear Abby story. They both extoll
the early onset of homosexuality (to point to the "born that way" idea) and both laud the accepting attitudes of at least 1 family member, as if
looking for the magic bullet of the utopian life.
Sound familiar? The man who attacked Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl:
Was molested as a teen (What happened to "born that way?")
Claims to be "bi-sexual," (doesn't sound as bad as "homosexual")
A single "father" rasing, you guessed it, a boy
Triggered by pedophilia remarks (He doth protest too much?)
We Now Know Why Dave Chappelle Was Attacked During Performance [P]
All serving to prove that gender mix-ups are not what you do or who you are, they are symptoms of deeper psychological issues. Abuse leads to the lifestyle, much like bullying
The letters seem contrived, professionally cobbled together, certainly not in the style or mode of the usual Dear Abby writer.
They read like story-book short novels. Decide for yourself: Read PDF version here
- Article as it appeared in paper
Woman dates men all her life, becomes a lesbian. What happened to "born that way?" She puts on the "man" look on and "marries" the fem-looking woman
Woman in same-sex relation now believes she is heterosexual [PDF]
- Woman in same-sex relation now believes she is heterosexual
- New LGBTQ word - "deadnaming" - forces people to participate in their sexual fetish
- Lesbian's new partner has a 37 year old son? If the partner was "born that way ..."
- Woman's boyfriend recently became a homosexual? Abby: Watch out for STDs!
- 29 year old just discovering she might be a lesbian? How can this be??
- Partner problems? Psycological issues? That says it all!
- Mother can't stand daughter's college relationship with a female
- Lesbian hits on straight girl. Is this an attempt to recruit or convert? Abby clueless.
- Parents never knew of 24 year old son's gender bending?
- Homosexual brother exhibits psycological issues. Could explain his gender mix-up
- Family offended by lesbian "wives." Abyy advises to ditch family
- Abby expects woman to accept her husband's "bi" past
- Abby seeks to promote the trans-agenda rather than protecting the child
- Grand-mother witnessed recruitment into same-sex relationships
- Man unsure of his future with a "bi-curious" wife
- Cross-dressing man causes stress in marriage. Duh!
- A homo-man offended by "gay" slur, yet uses the N-word, laughs it off
- A homosexual man can't figure out his own paradox
- Transgender playmate poses "challenge." No kidding!
- A "gay" man demonstrates that his sexual issues are symptoms of deeper psychological problems
- Man finds out the woman he's dating is a man!
- Dad feels helpless to mend teen's crisis of identity
- Abby calls a mother's dream of her daughter marrying a man in a church a "fantasy"
- Gender confused boy - Abby says "hands off!"
- Ask Amy - Someone who questions their own sexuality. Supposed to be obvious!
- Ask Amy - Mother dresses son as girl. He's not happy about it
- Yet another suddenly "gay" person, not "born that way"
- Abby clueless about homo-babble "non-binary" "theys"
- Again Abby proves LGBTQ+ is symptom of mental problem
- Transgender Classmate Isn't Ready for Romance With Teen
- Once again, Abby destroys the "born that way" lie!
- Young girl forced to undress in the presence of lesbians?
- Man reveals after 40 years that he's a "woman?" How can this be??
- Abby reveals the dangers of bi-sexual living, yet still affirms the behavior
- Abby oblivious to reality of where many homosexual turn their attentions
- Lesbian forcing partner to turn against childhood friend
- Perversion distresses family - Stunned by stepfather's appearance, rightly so
- Needs psychological help - Boy insulted because he was not called "they"
- Man "becomes bi-sexual" and "not proud of it"
- Man not sure if he's straight - Whatttt??
- Man, married to a woman for decades, suddenly realizes he's a "woman?"
- How can this be? Woman, married to a man, suddenly realizes she's a lesbian?
- Wait, what? Married man with adult children becomes "gay."
- Society not as accepting as 'they' claim
- Son has ADHD and is gender confused - Big surprise!
- Woman has boyfriend, wonders if she might be "gay?" How can this be?
- Reaction to partner problems should be a clue
- 19 year old girls suddenly "discovers" she's attracted to other women
- Dear Abby all in for transgenders
- Strange in so many ways!
- LGBTQ friendly woman should listen to friend's mother, not Dear Abby!
- Attempt to recruit an obviously heterosexual woman to become a lesbian
- LGBTQ and non-religious - Where have we seen that before?
- Homosexual boy friend "switches teams!" - How can this be??
- Married 50 y/o woman suddenly becomes a lesbian? - How can this be??
- Man, married, had son, switched to "gay," marries a "husband" - Wait, what??
- Abby to cross-dressing son - Do it if it feels good
- How far gender bending has worked it's way into our language
- Woman married for years, had children, divorced, dated men, became a lesbian?
- Man 'becomes' a woman after 19 year marriage? Family upset?
- Lesbians "dated men in the past!" How can this be?
- Lesbian daughter uneasy about her mother's bi-sexual experimentation
- Man who thinks he's a woman denies he is "father" to his daughter
- Woman admits her sexual orientation is a choice
- Woman reveals niece's lesbian behavior is from abuse
- Husband's bi-polar behavior makes him "think" he "might" be attracted to men
Note: Any HTB question almost always gets first billing in her articles, but these never appear in the premier Sunday edition. (Is she ashamed to run these on sunday?) Clearly duped by the 'gay' agenda. She is their 'pamphleteer,' as Hugh Hefner was Kinsey's pamphleteer.
Click below for many:
Older Spotlight Issues
Brit Insanity - BBC launches campaign to destroy 'heteronormative culture' [PDF]
Woman protests sharing abuse-shelter room with man who says he's female [P]
Perverse Culture A Starring Role for Hollywood's Sexual Zelig
The Legalization Of Deviant Behavior
Tom Daley announces he and his 'husband' are having a baby
What's the Difference Between Transgender, Transabled, Transracial, Transspecies and Transage?
Why Leftists Hate Masculinity
Parents repudiate gender indoctrination in schools [P]
Sodom in America:California City Council Is Now Entirely Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender
Hold-It Nation: Why Massachusetts Women Are As Vulnerable As One of Harvey Weinstein's Starlets [PDF]
When faced with facts - Lesbian storms out of interview with Jesse Lee Peterson [P]
Transgender barred from women's Aussie rules football draft due to 'unreasonable physical advantage' [PDF]
IFI's Laurie Higgins Facebook Discussion with a Homosexual - Print PDF for reference
6th-grade 'sexual identity quiz' infuriates moms
Transgender 'failures' spark epic PC battle [P]
Pope Francis: It's 'Terrible' Children Are Taught They Can Choose Gender
Prof sounds alarm over same-sex 'studies' on children [P]
NMSU: Not a lesbian? � Not our coach - HBT lifestyle mainstream in NCAA & WNBA
I'm not 'forcing my morality on you' � you're forcing your immorality on me [PDF]
Paraphilias of the Day: Pedophilia, Hebephilia, Ephebophilia, and Pederasty [PDF]
How Does Gay 'Marriage' Hurt Us? Here's How.
LGBT Groups Blast a New Study Claiming Computers Can Tell If You're Gay or Straight
Or, did it? - 'Right-wing media' never said LGBT lifestyle caused Hurricane Harvey [PDF]
Mass. Family Inst. comments on Trump decision, with comments by trans poster child
32 GENDERS - Oh, the insanity
KLM Airline's ridiculous attempt to pander to HBTQ crowd Backfires big time!
Scott Lively - What's Next on the 'Gay' Agenda after Transgenderism?
Christians Must Exit Government Schools, or follow school rules for crossdressers
Turns Out This LGBT Youth Center Arsonist Was a Former Member
Homo-Intolerance - Straight whites banned - from those who cry for tolerance [PDF]
Well, what do you expect? (Comments tell it all)
Sick - This is what they do, who they are. Society, some churches affirm this.
Why Satanist 'church' co-founder says that LGBTQ people are drawn to Satanism [PDF]
Never buy! - Teen Vogue under fire after promoting sodomy among teens [PDF]
Matt Walsh: The left wants to turn your child into a sexual deviant. Don't let them. [PDF]
Yes, Gay Activists Are After Your Children [P]
Counseling ban, Transgender therapy - Riveting testimony, admits symptom of other psychological problems. Affirmation by adults is child abuse.
Boycot Macy's - Macy's Lesbian Kiss Inflames Viewers
Target shareholder gets the 'diversity' treatment
Same-Sex Attraction and Therapy: It's Time to Let People Choose
"Pregnant Man" or Bullied Girl?
Fake academic paper published in liberal journal exposes the absurdity of gender studies [PDF]
All-girls school in Calif. became first to admit transgenders. Now, a financial reality check [PDF]
Self-Marriage: When Fools Marry Fools
LGBTQs target top psychiatrist for debunking gender myths [P]
Study: More proof a man can never become a woman [P]
Meet Jane: A true tale of a true transgender [P]
Homosexual behavior learned?A. Hernandez left suicide notes for his jailhouse LOVER & for his fiancee & 4 daughter
Abused niece learned same-sex interests - a sympton of deeper psychological issues
Female athletes crushed by 'women who were once men' [P]
A Question for Leftists and Progressives: Is This What You Mean by 'Equality'? [P]
The Trans Lie: Do 66,000 Pediatricians Really Support the AAP's "Trans"-Affirmative Policy?
Female athletes crushed by 'women who were once men' [P]
Born the way? Recruitment statistics prove otherwise [P]
Ex-'gay': 'I finally just walked away from that life' [P]
With Video: - Not just Milo: Child sex abuse often precedes 'gay' lifestyle [P]
SODOM - LGBT EXPOSED - Hard-Hitting, Major Russian TV Film, 1 hour movie
Michele Bachmann Says State Department Has Been Pushing 'Evil' Gay Agenda
The Dressmaker and the Baker: Who's the Real Bigot?
12 Quotes Against Sodomy That Every Catholic (actually, everyone) Should Know [PDF]
The 1972 Gay Rights Platform [PDF]
LGBT activists are coming for your children
The Entire 'LGBT' Narrative Just Crumbled [P]
'Gay gene'? No scientific evidence for it
Eight Major Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality Is Not Genetic [PDF]
Oppose Pederast Harvey Milk's name being used for a Navy ship
Look who's targeting Target's restrooms [P]
'Queer Kids Stuff' videos indoctrinate preschoolers
3 homosexuals nominated for bishop by Methodists
It's propaganda vs. parents in gay-straight clubs
Queer Activist Admits: "gay marriage" is a lie! It's not about marriage for all, it's about destroying the institution of marriage
Voters oust powerful pro-LGBT ruling party in Mexico
Whole Foods exposes gay activist in Austin who claims he got cake with 'slur'Related videos
Victory: Tenn. School Board stands up to LGBT pressureprotects students from high school "gay" club!
Learn about the victims of the Ugandan homosexual laws
Graphic "dating" survey given to high school students in Andover, Mass. Crude questions on sexual experience, homosexuality, criminal assault, and more
LGBT is "Choice" Says Ex-lesbian Mayor de Blasio's Wife and Obama [PDF]
"Gays" admit they weren't born that way -video | Bonus article - nobody is Born gay and the "Gay Agenda" exposed
Apparently not born 'gay.'Man and woman who used to date become homosexual later in life? How can this be?
Great testimony about growing up in a "gay" household
Powerful pro-family conference on "Understanding HomosexualityThe politically incorrect truth."
Finished reading Spotlight Issues
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More on Family Resources page
Drag Queens, Drag Queen Story Hours:
Wikipedia: "Drag queens are closely associated with gay men and gay culture"
HuffPost: "It's true that the majority of drag queens are gay" Beat tells Vox that any drag queen who meets with parents and children at DragCon or a touring drag show should remind them that "beneath the clown everyone is laughing at is either a gay man or a trans person who is directly in the crosshairs of the Trump administration's rifle."
Matthew 18:5-6
5 "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,
6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Luke 17:1-2
1Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come.
2 It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."
Article reveals sexual abuse charges, but sugar-coats his personality:
Actor and Drag Star Shangela Accused of Multiple Sexual Assaults
Drag Queen 'Shangela' who was invited by Kamala Harris to the White House to celebrate Pride Month was just accused of multiple sexual assaults
This is what they do, this is what they are:
Marshfield Teen Drag Program Canceled After Performer's Sick Tweets Surface
And this is who we trust to "educate" (groom) our kids?
Arizona Democrats and Planned Parenthood hosted a drag queen story hour at the State's capitol encouraging parents to transition their children [X]
Dominic Dallich was removed from the classroom after he was exposed for doing hyper-sexualized drag performances. He was just allowed to return to the classroom and is now in charge of young, non-verbal children. [X]
UNREAL. A school in Albuquerque, NM had a drag queen stripper perform a provocative sexually explicit routine for kids. [X]
Teacher Fired After Wearing Women's Clothing and Drag to School
Drag queen who performs for children and is a registered child sex offender arrested on 8 charges relating to child sexual abuse
West Virginia 'Drag Queen' Teacher Arrested on Child Sexual Exploitation Charges [P]
A drag queen, who was a former school committee member, to perform for students at Newton, MA Public School
Drag queen teacher guided students to his sexual drag content on social media
How a Radical Transgender Christian-Hater Got a Republican County's Money to Counsel Kids [P]
Drag march: "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children
What they do: A drag queen PRINCIPAL with a history of sex crimes?
Drag Groomer Gets Less Than A Year In Prison For 11 Child Sex Crimes [PDF]
Puff piece by paper - The welfare of families and children is not on their radar:
North Brookfield pride organizers won't do event unless drag performers allowed
Drag Queen Taught 11-Year-Old About Anal, Oral Sex
Drag Queen dances on table in school, cartwheels to expose underwear
Parent addresses school board. DQ tells kids to pick a DQ name [X]
How the Drag Queen Found his way into Sutton Public Schools
The Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour
School suspends sex ed after drag queen 'told 11-year-olds there are 73 genders'
With video: The Non-Binary Drag Queen Biden Invited to the White House [P]
Drag Star Miz Cracker Declares "F**ck Family," Issues Call to "Kick Down Traditional Family Values"
Fury Erupts After School Uses $4,000 of Covid Funds to Host Drag Shows for Kids [P]
Drag Queen Shows with Children present. It's what they do:
DeSantis Going After Miami Hotel for Hosting a Drag Show With Children Present [P]
FL's DeSantis Probes "Sexually Explicit" Holiday Drag Show That Permitted Minors
"Drag Show" Performer Simulates Bloody Abortion at "Kid-Friendly" Event
Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood | 26pg PDF
Burn your Crocs! Crocs is promoting child drag shows where children perform dressed up in drag
The Drag Queen Loophole: Pride event in PA featured a stripper pole where they taught kids how to pole dance
What they do: From "story hour" to lewd clubbing with the queens
What they do: Tucson HS Drag Show Promoter Arrested for Sex With Student [PDF]
Judge, male, with a male "husband," charged with child porn. Was CEO of DQSH and "Cream City" Foundation
Recruitment, Indoctrination, Inculcation, and Exploitation
".. teaching" about "gender diversity," which is euphemistic language for using government schools to impose a leftist sexuality ideology" - L. Higgins
Mission: America - Without Drag Queens, Will Children Be Illiterate?
How drag queens became a target of conservative lawmakers [PDF]
MassResistance helps Missouri city pass ordinance to exclude children from all "Drag Queen" events
Montana House Passes Bill That Would Ban Minors From Attending Drag Shows [P]
Montana newspaper forced to retract libelous attack on MassResistance - published after our strong testimony in State House on Drag Queen bill
Fighting back: Idaho MassResistance activists take up all the seats at Drag Queen show in local library
"Gay" sex parties hosted by Drag Queen, at a Church, no less
Vatican orders investigation into English cathedral 'sex party,' possible ties to bishop's resignation
Florida Takes Action Against Venue That Hosted Provocative 'All Ages' Drag Show [P]
OUTRAGE: Underage students perform in drag for staff at invite-only school event
Canada has Caved: They're ALL "H"
Drag queen middle school teacher makes sexual comments to children at drag event
MassResistance: Texas MassResistance exposes another Drag Queen with a criminal record who was about to perform for kids at a leftist church event
Woke Washington Post: Drag Shows for Children Are 'Squeaky-Clean,' 'Family-Friendly' [P]
This is what they do: Transvestites strutting around, dancing in a sexual manner as children looked on
This is what they do: Parents shocked by video of after-school drag show at Gay Sex Alliance Club event
Drag queen pervs teach twerking and other sexually deviance to kids
Shocking video shows 2 young children being paraded around at Miami drag show while the crowd cheers, throws money at them?
Texas Elementary School librarian is a BDSM "Leatherman" by night,
Invited convicted male prostitute Drag Queen to read to schoolchildren
Pedaling porn to children:
Read, Listen: Ideologically Grooming Kids Through Storytelling
Parents fighting back!
Buckeye Museum cancels Queer Prom venue, 'Wolf in sheep's clothing'
Pennsylvania School Hosts Drag Show for Kids Without Parent's Permission [P]
Governor Ron DeSantis: "We Have Laws Against Child Endangerment" [PDF, video]
Nevada MassResistance activist single-handedly gets his county government to prohibit 'Drag Queen Story Hour' in public libraries
The hips on the Drag Queen go swish, swish, swish:
NYC Dept. of Education, PBS team up to promote drag queen to 3-year-olds [PDF]
Drag Story Hour Twitter Account Claims 'Love Has No Age' in Controversial Tweet [PDF]
Sample Rules for Public events [PDF] --- Sample Brochure handout for DQSH [PDF]
MassResistance helps Wisconsin parents force Library Board to enact anti-Drag Queen policy - a big victory!
Another victory: Texas city stops "Drag Queen Story Hour" after MassResistance pressure
Town closes book on drag queen story hour
Minnesota bill would cut state funding for libraries exposing kids to drag queens[PDF]
MassResistance helps WI parents force Library Board to enact anti-Drag Queen policy - a BIG victory!
What a 'drag': Lawmaker gets 'death threats' for protecting parental rights [PDF]
Michelle Malkin Parents' Anti-Drag Queen Hour Resistance Rises
A push for parents to keep libraries in check
MassResistance: Lies: Drag queen readers not screened for 'story hour'
Man dressed as a woman, scantily clad, suggestively and in a sexual manner, crawls up to a little girl. The provocative song "Lose Control" plays. With video:
Video Shows Drag Queen Suggestively Crawl Up To A Child Before Embracing Her
This man dressed as a woman is the one in the presence of the child: Click here
Why We Need Porn Stars Reading To Kids In Schools And Libraries
National LGBT movement erupts as MassResistance helps NY parents stop local "Drag Queen" event
Related: Complaint form for Rye, NY Libraries as a reference
With Video In Chula Vista, CA: Officials lied to public about Drag Queen background checks, MassResistance FOIA request reveals
Video SNL Skit With RuPaul Highlights The Absurdity Of Drag Queen Story Hours
Video Just as bad as Drag Queen Story Hours - the NEA & HRC go after kids' minds
West Virginia MassResistance stops a horrible "Drag Queen" event from taking place in liberal Morgantown's public library
WVU Holds DQSH, Organizer Says "Inclusivity" Is "The Purpose Of Higher Education"
Read or Listen: Facebook Removes IFI's Sesame Street Post
Lawmaker: Let parents decide on 'drag queen' events in libraries
When a drag queen has to lecture "woke" parents on morality [PDF]
21-year-old ridiculed as bigot for protesting 'drag queens' for kids kills himself [PDF]
MassResistance mother meets with her "gay" City Councilman to discuss Drag Queen event in library. He gets angry, throws her out of his office - and calls police!
Child abuse! LGBT Couple Raising Their 8-Year-Old to Be Instagram Drag Queen Sensation, Dancing for Money
Elementary school features drag-queen speaker with prostitution record [PDF]
Spokane Prosecutes Pastor For Praying For Kids At Public Library Drag Queen Show
Pedophilia advocate admits conservatives are right: Yes, kid drag shows are sexual [PDF]
Texas teacher says parents 'should not have the final say' in school drag queen event, blasts their 'misguided, bigoted views'
LGBT Activists Won't Admit Anything's Wrong With A Man Flashing Children During Drag Queen Story Hour
NEW -Convicted (male) prostitute repeat book reader in liberal Austin - MR cited
Video Drag Queen Strips for Kids at Drag Queen Story Time. How Does This Promote Reading?
Church vandalized after pastor protests 'Drag Queen Story Hour' for kids
Listen: Arthur Shaper of MassResistance debates Drag Queen Story Hour
'Lucifer king of hell': Church vandalized after opposing 'drag queen' event
'Drag Queen Story Hour' No More After Texas City Council Vote
Kansas Library Board Divided Over Banning Pedophiles from Reading to Kids [PDF]
Texas MR, World Net Daily Another library 'drag queen' exposed as sex offender [PDF]
"Drag Queen" in Austin, TX Public Library exposed by MassResistance as convicted male prostitute
First libraries, now museums A 'family-centered' drag show?
Man arrested at library's mind-boggling, perverse event fights back [PDF]
Video: Drag Queen teaches kids how to twerk Talk about grooming, indoctrination
Drag Queen Story Hour proves detrimental to libraries seeking increased funding
Mayor tries to stop drag story hour: 'Why would you have transgender people talking to kids?'
Public Library Deletes Pictures Of Drag Queens Fondling Children At Story Hour
See the deleted, disgusting child abuse pictures. Since most DQs are homosexual men, how happy is this guy with a little boy on his crotch, and the library officials in full support of his perverted behavior? - Click here [4MB PDF]
With videos: Creepy "Drag Queen" at Dallas public library reads book "What color is your underwear" to small children
Video - Drag Queen Story Hours - grooming children, the Libraries know it
Video - Admitted homosexual reveals "We're grooming next generation"
Atlanta's Pro Sports Teams Back Play For Drag Queen Story Hour
Behind the Chiffon Curtain: Drag Queen Story Hours and Child Endangerment
These will make you SICK!
Drag queen with demon-like horns reads to children at Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library
Drag Queen Story Hour Puts the Rainbow in Reading
"Drag Queen" in Maryland library exposed by MassResistance: He runs lurid sex-oriented businesses, posts pornographic photos of nude men on social media.
Activist mom of 10 target of hostile doxing
Photos Show Kids Laying on Top of Drag Queen at 'Drag Queen Story Time' Event
Photos of children lying on top of drag queen at 'storytime' event allegedly taken down by library after images called out [PDF]
Washington State MassResistance directly confronts and exposes another hideous "Drag Queen Story Hour"
Well, duh-uh: 11-Year-Old Drag Queen Kid's Mom Shocked To Find a Pedophile Calling Her Son 'Sexy' Online
Drag Queen Busted as a Pedophile in Undercover Sting
Rooftop Snipers Protect LGBTD Grooming Children
Now church becomes venue for 'drag queen'
Kids Who Dress In Drag Are Being Manipulated By Adults Who Should Know Better
Dear 'Parents': Stop Whoring Your Kids to LGBTQ Perverts
VICTORY: MassResistance forces City Council to cancel Drag Queen Story Hour in Leander, TX Public Library - Complete coverage
Petition against Drag Queen Story Hour goes viral
Pure evil, Indoctrination: Drag kids Canada
'Drag 101' course for teens to be taught at Ohio public library [PDF]
"drag is not sexual" - Not sexual? Right, when 80%+ "queens" are male homosexuals
Video - Deep problems with these brainwashed kids
Libraries becoming private child-corruption centers
Big surprise - a UCC church affirms sick behavior: Leander church to host 'Drag Queen Story Time' after City cancels library event
"Drag Queens" are almost always homosexuals who have a new recruitment tool:
Video appears to show drag queen, 11, using illicit party drug - Watch the video
10-Year-Old Boy 'Drag Kid' Photographed With Naked Adult Drag Queen
Converse partners with 11-year-old drag queen
Drag Queen Story Hour at libraries with children
The ALA Plunges Deeper into the Drag Cesspool
Inculcation, recruitment Drag queen-for-children agenda invades Small Town, USA
Arthur Schaper: Why the Drama Over Drag Queen Story Hour Matters [PDF]
Video evidence - Man dressing and trying to act like a woman admits it is "craziness"
No, It's Not Bigoted For Lawmakers To Ban Child Drag Queens
Drag Queens, "Queers," and Toddlers, Oh My!
Drag Queen Story Hour Puts the Rainbow in Reading
Heinous Propaganda and Indoctrination - Don't let in your school!
Why I Reported the Case of an 11-Year-Old Drag Queen to Child Protective Services [P]
ACLU files lawsuit over Lafayette Public Library's Drag Queen Story Time ban
Pushback against drag queens reading to youngsters
Where's the father? Mother's tattoos speak volumes: Erotic gay clothing line features 9-year-old boy dressed in drag as 'covergirl
As above: 'You can just do you': Boy, 10, founds a drag club for KIDS so they can express themselves in a 'positive, encouraging, and safe' space
Clearly child abuse - Little boy tells mom he wants to dress in drag. Mom obliges � and is happy to share photos
Perversion and Child Abuse: Gay Media Promotes 8-Year-Old Drag Queen (w/video)
Related: Matt Walsh: The LGBT agenda is an active threat to our children
With video: Homosexual pedophile as a Drag Queen? Big surprise! Houston MassResistance exposes "Drag Queen Story Hour" cross-dresser as registered child sex offender! Library officials forced to apologize to public.
Drag queens of Western Mass: A peek behind the curtain
Leftists go ballistic as mom confronts 'drag queen story hour' in California
'RuPaul's Drag Race' Star Bianca Del Rio Booed for 'So-Called Jokes' About Rape and that's not the worst of it. Caution - language, sicko perverted behavior!
The Criminal Past of Drag Queen a Library Allowed To Read to Kids Should Enrage Parents
VICTORY: Organizers announce they're abandoning "Drag Queen Story Hour" in Houston after MassResistance exposé.
Houston MassResistance exposes more horror: 2nd public library "Drag Queen" is convicted child sex offender - and a transgender prostitute specializing in BDSM
Reference several stories
Drag Queen story archive from MassResistance
Back to Top of Page
Watch as Ted Cruz explains the constitutionality of marriage (to a "gay" man)
Idaho State Rep introduces MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell "gay marriage" ruling. Gets positive response in legislature
Michigan State Rep announces he will file the MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell "gay marriage" ruling. Leftists are livid.
Christian Teacher Gets 6-Figure Last Laugh After School Forced Her Out for Refusing to Use Trans Pronouns [PDF]
Woman sues top medical mutilation doctor for 'fast-tracking' gender transition
Victory! even though Mother is lesbian fruitcake:
Dad Wins Full Custody Over Son After His Mother Tried to Raise Him As Non-Binary [P]
Ohio Law Proposes Teachers, Librarians Be Jailed for Passing Out "Obscene Materials" to Kids
A Christian Teacher Fired for Not Using 'Preferred Pronouns.' Here's What Happened [P]
Here's Why a Parental Rights Org. Will Sue Biden's Department of Education [P]
Judge Rejects Transgender Plaintiffs' Bid to Change Sex on Birth Certificates [P]
Ohio House Passes SAFE Act, Save Women's Sports Act and Parents' Bill of Rights [PDF]
Note: Lame-stream media uses "anti-LGBTQ" - We use "Pro-natural life"
Org. sues to let Mass. middle schooler wear anti-LGBTQ shirt in class
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Beauty Pageant Transgender Prohibition [P]
Proposed VA Bill Criminalizing Parents for "Mental Injury" Against LGBT-Identifying Children Shelved, For Now
FL Adopts Rule Prohibiting Trans Students From Same Bathrooms As Others [P]
HugeVictory! School Club for Christians Wins Right to Openly Oppose Homosexuality
Corrupt Kids and Override Parents is Fed Goal in New Title IX
Appeals court rules in favor of Catholic school that fired counselor living LGBT lifestyle [P]
Virginia AG Sues Biden for Pushing Transgender Ideology on Children [P]
Why the UK's Only Clinic for Transgender Youth Got Shut Down[P]
Fighting back! MassResistance: Parents' lawsuit against Ludlow MA schools system for "transitioning" their children is getting national attention! - Read the complaint - MR Flyer
Huge Legal Victory: Ohio Professor Awarded $400,000 in Lawsuit Settlement Over University's Pronoun Mandate [PDF]
Fighting back! Massachusetts School Teachers Sued After Allegedly Encouraging Students to Alter Gender Identity [P]
Fighting back! Youngkin Signs Bill Requiring Schools to Notify Parents of Sexually Explicit Material [P]
Huge victory: Alabama Gov. Signs Bill Banning 'Gender-Affirming' Care for Transgender Minors [P]
Huge victory! CA Diverstiy law shot down in court. Claiming to have interest in racial and queer quotas, you know that they were only interested in the homosexual angle:
Judge Rules California Diversity Mandate for Corporations Is Unconstitutional [P]
Can Colorado Compel Speech From Christian Businesses? SCOTUS Set to Consider Question Yet Again
England: Christian teachings to be protected from conversion therapy ban, says Government
Marxist Los Angeles DA George Gascón Charges 26-Year-Old Transgender as Juvenile in Sex Assault of 10-Year-Old Girl [PDF]
Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school tied to Soros, McAuliffe
Hungary Passes Bill Prohibiting Pro-LGBT Materials In Public Schools
Court's College Pronoun Ruling Is Win for Right to Affirm Reality, Speak Freely Print version of article
Alabama Legislature Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes From Girls' Sports
More than 30 states now considering bills to ban sexually confused boys from girls sports [PDF]
Victory: Hairy-Chested Trans Mayor in California Booted from Office [PDF]
Victory: Alabama's Transgender Bill Bound to Trigger a Meltdown with the Left [P]
Attorney: Inhumane treatment of girls won't last forever
Michael Brown: Court strikes blow against LGBTQ tyranny [PDF]
Appeals court rules ban on 'conversion therapy' unconstitutional [PDF]
Court rules man cannot be listed as child's mother [PDF]
California passes LGBT bill that removes "sex offender" label for adult-child homosexual sex
U.S. Supreme Court Rules That Federal Anti-Discrimination Law Protects Gay And Transgender Workers
Same-sex 'marriage' hits dead end in Russia [PDF]
The Supreme Court's Mistaken and Misguided Sex Discrimination Ruling
MassResistance - The US Supreme Court ruling on Bostock v Clayton County: What you need to know about it - and what we must do now.
Idaho State Track Athletes Want Transgender Lawsuit Tossed
Judge Who Banned Calling Trans Athletes 'Male' Has A History Of Favoring Sexual Predators
Reality cannot be undone: boys are boys, girls are girls
DOJ against boys competing vs. girls as transgenders
Professor, Punished for Not Using Preferred Pronouns, Appeals After Judge Dismisses Case
VA pushes 'equality' as SCOTUS agrees to review what that means
Lawmakers in 9 States Move to Protect Children From LGBT 'Transition' Agenda
Pro-trans agency sued for giving life-altering drugs to kids [PDF]
ADF, PJI defending 'opt-out' rights of CA students
Texas Jury Rules Against Father Trying to Protect His 7-Year-Old Son From 'Gender Transition'
Uganda plans bill imposing death penalty for gay sex
Sex at the High Court: On the Redefinition of "Sex" in Civil Rights Law and Faulty Accounts of "Discrimination"
Teacher fired for refusing to use transgender student's pronouns launches legal action
Federal judge tosses lawsuit over Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group labels
Trump administration incurs LGBTQ wrath in bid to expand religious protections for contractors [PDF]
Time for the courts to defend parental rights
2019 sees attempt to ban 'conversion' therapy fail 4 times
Kennedy combined 'loneliness' and 14th Amendment
Wrong assumption, madame teacher - here's your lawsuit
MassResistance helping people stop the tyrannical LGBT "Equality Act" now in Congress
Why The So-Called Equality Act Is A Bait-and-Switch Power Grab
Catholic Social Services denied foster care contract for refusing to work with same-sex couples based on religious principle [PDF]
Supreme Court to decide three cases concerning gay and transgender rights [PDF]
Texas Backs Chick-fil-A, Come What Mayo!
First Liberty digs deeper into Chick-fil-A drop
Parents drop legal fight over an Illinois school system's transgender policy [PDF]
Battle over censoring same-sex therapy intensifies
Lesbian Couple Face Prison For Getting Married
Canadian Court Rules Parents Can't Stop 14-Year-Old From Taking Trans Hormones
5th Circuit warns single-sex restrooms could be illegal
'Gay'-counseling ban likely violates 1st Amendment, judge rules
State sued for ban on gender-confusion counseling
Maryland sued for making gender counseling illegal
Supremes allow enforcement of military trans-ban
Jury's award to transgender woman after rejection by football team is a Minnesota first
Supreme Court gets lesson on 'sex,' 'gender'
Gay couple ignites Airbnb war [P]
Big victory for Christian baker in Colorado
Christian parent threatens legal action over school's 'gay pride parade'
Supremes asked if schools can expose naked students to opposite sex
'Must-stay-gay' counseling censorship under fire
Stutzman will get another chance in front of hostile state court
Thomas More challenging 'horrifying' prospect
Canadian Trans 'Woman' Files Human Rights Complaints Against 16 Women For Refusing to Wax Him
Florida's same-sex counseling ban challenged
Students Could Be Expelled for 'Misgendering' Thanks to University Policy
Freakout with transgender at funeral home heads to Supremes
Stop legal 'harassment' by LGBTs, court asked
Counseling ban in bull's-eye after Supremes affirm speech rights
California Lawmakers To Restrict Gay Conversion Therapy, But Critics Warn Violation Of Religious Freedom
National Task Force For Therapy Equality Files Complaint with FTC
Court bans 'biological father' from helping neglected child
Israeli Supreme Court rules same-sex 'marriage' not a civil right
Knowingly exposing others to HIV won't be a felony in California anymore [PDF]
Tidal wave of support for Colorado baker hits Supreme Court
Schools warned against mixing genders in showers
Lesbian mom asks Christian judge to recuse himself from divorce case
DeVos' conservatism questioned over transgender pronouns
House lawmakers threaten to block new military transgender rules
Texas Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Couples Not Entitled to Government Benefits [P]
Courts find a man fit to potty with the ladies
Liberty Counsel files amicus brief over Grimm case
Couple looking to produce wedding videos consistent with their beliefs
Supreme Court to rule if naked transgenders, kids OK together
State group at it again, seeking gender privacy
Federal judge in Texas blocks Pres. Obama's transgender mandate in the Lone Star State and elsewhere
Texas judge halts federal transgender health protections
Finally! 'Gays' reveal agenda as shutting up Christian
Argentine judge rules woman can marry her own stepdaughter
Massachusetts churches sue for right to be a church
Obergefell ruling ruled us all 'illogical'
PA law would permit men in church's ladies' rooms
Franklin Graham declares war on gender-bender 'brainwashing'
Gender Unicorn
Texas judge temporarily blocks Obama's transgender directive
America's lawyers face 'knockout blow' for LGBT dissent
Christian baker takes 'compulsion of speech' case to Supremes
Supreme Court may decide transgender bathroom issue once and for all [PDF]
Alabama stacks deck against Chief Justice Roy Moore
Realities of 'transgender' campaign knock plan off rails
School board breaks state law by altering discrimination policy
Indian Tribe Passes New Transgender Bathroom Policy - and Activist Group Is Left 'Very Sad and Disappointed'
11 States Sue Obama Administration Over Transgender Bathroom Directive
Six reasons North Carolina got it right Excerpt from article by Frank Turek below:
Click here to read valuable talking points, (displayed with permission)
1. All good laws discriminate against behaviors not people. No one is being discriminated against with HB2, which discriminates against the behavior of a man using the women's restroom. If any law is wrongly discriminatory, it is the bad law passed by the Charlotte City council passed to create this controversy, which actually discriminates against women and children by making public restrooms unsafe for them. (The ACLU has already filed a lawsuit alleging HB2 does not provide "equal protection" to some folks. Ironically, it's only because of HB2 that women and children get "equal protection" from predators in public bathrooms!)
2. People are equal, but their behaviors are not. Good laws treat all people equally, but not all of their behaviors equally. In fact, the very reason laws exist at all is because all behaviors are not equal and must be treated differently for the benefit of individuals and society. HB2 discriminates against no one who identifies as LGBT. The law merely sets a safe public bathroom use (behavior) for everyone, and keeps employment law consistent across the state (more on this below).
3. Your identity is not in your feelings but your biology. I can't believe there is actually a need to say this, but many on the Left are living in their own invented reality and they are demanding that we live in it too. The reason we've always had separate bathrooms is because of biological sexual differences, not because of feelings or "gender identity." HB2 simply says that people will use public bathrooms that align with their biological sex as found on their birth certificate.
How could this possibly be controversial? Are we to risk the safety of millions of women and children in public restrooms because an extremely small number of people are experiencing a mismatch between their psychology and their biology? Good public policy does not risk the physical safety of women and children so an extreme few have a preference for a different bathroom.
Moreover, HB2 actually accommodates people who have had so-called "sex-change" operations. They can use the bathroom of their choice provided they've had their birth certificate changed. It also affects only public restrooms. Companies and other private organizations can adopt any policy they want for their workplace. Do the NBA and the NFL allow men in women's bathrooms? Does Apple? Cisco? Marriott? Lowes? Then why are they insisting the government force everyone to do so? Why do they think North Carolina is wrongly discriminating when they are doing exactly the same thing in their businesses?
And why aren't these holier-than-thou folks threatening to pull their business from Iran and Saudi Arabia who are actually murdering homosexuals? Their moral outrage is not only misdirected, it shows that they're willing to put women and children at risk by kowtowing to a deceptive special-interest group, but they'll sacrifice nothing to save the people they say they care about by confronting real evil abroad.
4. The danger is real from sexual predators in women's restrooms. If you don't think so, then watch this video. Just the first six minutes are chilling enough.
5. Race and LGBT are not the same. Race is not a behavior and race has no impact on someone's behavior. But homosexuality is a behavior and LGBT political goals are all about imposing certain leftist behaviors on others, from forcing people to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies to allowing men in women's restrooms.
The Human Rights Campaign also wants to use the strong arm of government to force companies to give employment preference to a long list of sexual orientations. This would mean that someone who claimed a homosexual orientation - or someone who exhibited the behavior of cross-dressing at work, for example - would have more job security than John or Jane Doe. How so? Because if a company has to downsize, who are they going to let go - one of the helpless Does, or the person who can bring a costly lawsuit alleging "discrimination"?
6. Opposition to harmful behavior is not bigotry; it is wise. Unfortunately, some on the Left and in business falsely equate opposition to a behavior as prejudice toward people who engage in that behavior. That's the central fallacy in virtually every argument the Human Rights Campaign puts out - if you don't agree with every aspect of LGBT behavior or their political goals, you are somehow bigoted against people who identify that way. If political opposition is bigotry, then the activists at the Human Rights Campaign are bigots for opposing conservatives. The truth is conservatives have good reasons based in public health and safety for not wanting to advocate same-sex marriage or men in women's bathrooms. But it's much easier for the Human Rights Campaign to ignore those arguments and call people names.
The truth is just too dangerous.
Finished reading talking points
North Carolina to Take Federal Government to Court Over State's LGBT 'Bathroom Bill'
Massachusetts Legislator introduces Bill to protect privacy in lawfully sex-segregated facilities, accommodations, resorts, and amusements, as well as educational, athletic, and therapeutic activities and programs
Out of the mud - and into the truth
Hole emerges in Supreme Court edict on marriage
State lawmakers cancel city's open-bathrooms ordinance
Puerto Rico defies Supreme Court on marriage
Alabama: How to break the back of judicial tyranny
Another state rebels against same-sex 'marriage' mandate
What the U.S. Constitution doesn't say about "gay marriage"
It started in Massachusetts. Has it affected life there? View this seemingly endless list of incredible events and decide for yourself
Why Can't Two 'Gay' Brothers Marry? [P]
Court whacks lesbian mayor for trying to pull switcheroo
Marriage Law Digest - review legal cases related to marriage
Back to Top of Page
Transgender Issues - Clearly, Deep Psychological & Health Problems at Work:
There's No Such Thing As A 'Transgender Athlete'
Now she's on a mission:
Planned Parenthood Exploited Teen Girl's Depression, Sold Her Sex-Change Hormones
Huge Reversal! Plastic Surgeons Withdraw Support for Gender Affirming Surgeries
Here's the Shocking Reason the Texas AG Is Suing a Doctor [P]
Fed. court affirms parents' constitutional right to opt out of trans ideology in schools
Why the Transgender Craze Is Coming to an End [P]
The walls are closing in: Researcher who hid results of transgender study now in serious hot water [PDF]
Nancy Mace Slaps Down Snotty ABC News Reporter Over Push for Science-Based Bathrooms [P]
Mike Johnson Speaks Out Against Men in Women's Bathrooms [P]
Argentina: Milei's Government Protects Children from Gender Ideology and Bans Inclusive Language in the Armed Forces Video & PDF
Note the huge amount of make-up required: A man who's pretending to be a woman says he gets gender euphoria from doing dishes and crying - Proves mental issues
Not only mental issues, they're DANGEROUS, too!
Clearly in need of help for deeper mental issues Many short videos, Page 1
Clearly in need of help for deeper mental issues Many short videos, Page 2
Joy, DEI? "Non-binary, trans" he/she (now deceased) mentally ill lunatic rammed his/her car into a police dept event which sent a Sergeant to the hospital [X]
Tolerance? Guy dressed like a girl pours tomato juice on a permitted display [X]
Tolerance? Police Report: Transgender Attacker of Kari Lake's Daughter is Rebecca Kimpel, Charged With Assault [PDF]
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) Says She Was 'Accosted' at the Capitol by a 'pro-trans man' [P]
5 Things About The AMC Braintree and Plymouth McDonald's Suspect Jared Ravizza
Planet Fitness Homofascism
Cares not about the members' feelings or rights, only those of the perves
Trial to be held over man spotted in Planet Fitness' women's showers
"Judgment-Free Zone": Man Strips Naked and Parades Around Planet Fitness Women's Locker Room, Asks Woman to Shower With Him [PDF]
Victim interviewed, via "X"
Planet Fitness Stock Tanks, via "X"
Get Woke, Go Broke: Planet Fitness Stock Craters, Gym Chain Sees $400 Million Wiped Out After Transgender Bathroom Uproar
Planet Fitness Backlash: Says Men OK to Use Women's Dressing Rooms
Ongoing "Bloodbath" at Planet Fitness!
Trial court to take up Planet Fitness secret 'open showers' policy
This boy's life is screwed up by his mother who dressed him as a girl at 3 years old:
California Judge Strips Father of Parental Rights, Greenlights Ex-Wife to Proceed with Chemical and Surgical Castration of 12-Year-Old Son [PDF]
This kid's life is so screwed up when he finds out what he was forced to suck on:
Transgender Woman 'Breastfeeds' Grandchild Using Experimental Hormones [PDF]
A Reality TV Star Admitted That He Pretended to Be Transgender. Here's Why. [P,X]
Drag Queens, trannsies, all homosexual men looking for way to get to boys
Ohio Man Pretending to Be a Woman Tried to Kidnap an 11-Year-Old Boy [P]
MA State Rep Identifies As A 'They.' This is who you want running the government?
Report reveals number of girls who may have undergone 'gender-affirming' surgeries
'Trans Kids' Camp. Look Who's Funding It, Part 1 [P] | She/He, related reading
Trans TikToker Rose Montoya, who went viral at the White House, has been accused of sexually assaulting 5 people.
Remember That 'Trans Woman' Who Went Topless at the Biden White House? Well... [P]
From Elizabeth Johnston:
Planned Parenthood's new cash cow: giving trans hormones to children
Trans Agenda Targeting Children Takes a Major Hit as WPATH Files released [PDF]
Doctor targeted by DOJ for exposing child abuse in Texas hospital
Trans activist wishes death and torture on transphobic people in violent, psychotic tiktok
Transgender Supporters Cause Mayhem Inside Montana's Statehouse [P]
Note effiminate hand gestures that magically go away when the violence starts: Trans Extremist Flips Table as Biden WH Insists Trans Community Is Under Attack [P, with video]
Trans Activist Arrested for Raping Two Children Under the Age of 12
Radical trans activist has meltdown over being "deadnamed" in court documents
Richard Dawkins Follows the Science and Rejects the Transgender Illusion
She has a deep psychological problem, but do you think she got real help? No! Just affirmation to have horrendous sex-change surgery.
She Started Hearing Voices in Her Head Before Trying to Become a Man [PDF]
Steals her clothes, then wears them in public. A typical Biden moron:
Fashion Designer's Stolen Clothes 'Unwearable' at Ex-Biden Official's House [P]
The most important link on transinsanity to send to WOKE friends, companies and organizations
Expert psychiatrist warns that "gender-affirming" care is dangerous for kids
A Major Children's Hospital Is Hosting Workshops on How to Transition Kids [P]
A child of 15 months being groomed by her own mother
Men faking to be women to get into women's prisons
So-Called 'Trans Women' Are Being Locked Up in Women's Prisons One Former Inmate Is Speaking Out [P], with video
A Man Pretending to Be a 'Trans Woman' Raped a Female Prisoner at Rikers [P]
A 'Transgender' Convicted Murderer Is Being Housed in a Women's Prison [P]
Over Half of 'Trans Women' in Jail in Wisconsin Have Been Convicted of Sex Crimes [P]
Woman in NJ Prison Files Lawsuit: She Was Sexually Assaulted By Transgender Inmate [PDF]
When pigs fly:
More from the annals of the Chestfeeding Society; 'trans-milk'
With womb transplants a reality, transgender women dare to dream of pregnancies
Lesbian "trans therapist" reveals how screwed up the whole Trans thing is
Elon Musk Suggests Life In Prison For Parents Who Change Kids' Genders PDF
Judge Rejects Transgender Plaintiffs' Bid to Change Sex on Birth Certificates [P]
"Molly" Bowman is a man pretending to be a woman who works as a team lead and hall monitor at @SpaceCampUSA for young children
Ohio Schools Defying State Law will Endanger Children
Are We Seeing a Return to Sanity on the Transgender Issue? [P]
"Expert" can't cite a single study that proves 'Gender Affirming Care' (hormones, surgery) improves the underlying mental condition:
Dan Crenshaw: Gender Affirming Care Is the 'Hill We Will Die On' [P]
CDC Claims Transgenders Can 'Chestfeed' Babies[P]
Some Advice for the "T" in LGBT [PDF]
Based Tulsi Gabbard Has A Lot To Say About The Transgender Craze
Totally WOKE! Massachusetts Department of Public Health Embracing 'Pregnant People' Rather Than 'Pregnant Women'
Vandals Attack Utah Senator's Home After He Supported Bill to Ban Transgender Surgeries [P]
Trans Activist Violently Assaults Riley Gaines at SFSU Speech [P, with videos]
Group Behind Trans "Day of Vengeance" Raised Money for Firearms Training - Trans Activists Pose with Firearms Threatening Christians Ahead of Rally at US Supreme Court PDF
Poster boy/girl for their state of mind
Transgender Teacher Who Threatened to Shoot Students Gets Booted from School [P]
'Trans' Man Sues Women-Only Social Media Platform for Removing His Account [P]
3 of the People Biden Idolized During 'Transgender Day of Remembrance' Died Attacking Innocent People [P]
The Human Rights Campaign and the Making of 'Transgender'' Industry Leaders
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3
The insanity: 'Trans Women' Who Were Celebrated During Women's History Month [P]
Captcha: Biden Leads the nation down the rabbit hole - or is it Gotchya?
LGBTQ education organization encourages teachers to be trans activists in their classrooms by using pronouns and removing gendered language
Trans Biden Official Endorses Group That Refers to Mothers As 'Egg Producers' [P]
Military: Female National Guard Member Forced to Shower With Biological Male Identifying As Trans [P]
Christianity and transgenderism are wildly incompatible: Ready Yourself for the 2024 Storms [PDF]
Tik Tok is being used to Groom and Recruit children
Nashville: Another defenseless school, this time target of a tranny [P]
Proof! Trans-crap comes from serious mental problems Manifesto Left by Transgender Covenant School Killer Audrey Hale
Autism: Medical Experts Beginning to Realize What Might Be Behind 'Gender Transition' Craze [PDF]
Chinese Military To Just Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Soldiers
A NY Teacher Manipulated Student to Become Trans, Causing Her to Become Suicidal Lawsuit Says [P]
It's all "H" They doth protest too much
Teacher With 'Z-Size' Prosthetic Breasts Placed on Leave [P]
Photos of Tranny Teacher With 'Z-Size' Prosthetic Breasts Raises More Questions [P]
Liberal Filmmaker Slams 'Gender-Affirming' Care After Son Came Out as Transgender [P]
Even after cutting up her body, people still see her as a woman
Symptoms of deeper mental issues, calls himself a "transgender woman extrordinaire." Well, lah-ah-di-dah
Clearly Child Abuse: Trans Hospital Worker Exposes Disturbing Details on Gender-Affirming Care for Kids [P]
Video: Florida is fighting to defend itself from the transgender tsunami and LGTBQ cult
Canada's shame: a gender-confused man upset over rejection by women-only gym
Children's Hospital Gender Program "Navigator" Touts Uterine Transplants for Trans Men from 'Live Donors' [P]
Youtube video: Man decided he was a cross-dressing lesbian. Wait .. What?!!
Transsexual Reportedly Confesses to Burning Down 117-Year-Old Church in Portland [PDF]
Disturbing Origins of Transgenderism
VA School Superintendent Indicted for Covering Up Campus Rape Amid Trans Bathroom Controversy
NBC: One Segment of Population Will Be 'Disproportionately' Affected by Voter ID Laws [P]
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Beauty Pageant Transgender Prohibition [P]
Vanderbilt Med. Center's 'transgender' program built on money, power
Thorough discussion on trans surgery by Dr. Robert Malone
Homomen parents with boy who they've made think "nothing is normal" so become a girl
Read or Listen: The "Trans" Cult Marches On Even As Its Harms Are Exposed (Audio Player at bottom of page)
Virginia AG Sues Biden for Pushing Transgender Ideology on Children [P]
Wrong to re-define pronouns as would be the case with adjectives
How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes
Video Exploited Woman tells Tucker Carlton why she de-transitioned
Fighting back! Massachusetts School Teachers Sued After Allegedly Encouraging Students to Alter Gender Identity [P]
FL Adopts Rule Prohibiting Trans Students From Same Bathrooms As Others [P]
Kansas Lawmaker Slams Transgender Women Using Women's Restrooms [P]
Biological Male Transgender Inmate Convicted of Murder Now Listed as 'Female' on Prison Records [PDF]
Trans Killer Who Confessed to Slaughtering Parents Reassigned 'Female' in Prison - It Gets Worse [PDF]
Democrat Politicians Urge Clemency for Transgender Child Sex Offender and Murderer Set to Be Executed in Missouri Next Week [PDF]
Mother Loses Custody of Daughter for Failure to 'Affirm' Trans Identity
Trans Prisoner Transferred to Youth Facility After Impregnating Inmates At Women's Prison
Because this is what they do: The Only Dude In Chick Prison [P]
Even in homo-loving UKR: Transgender Stopped at Ukrainian Border, Told to Turn Around and Fight After Guards Find Out His Real Gender [PDF]
Who could have seen this coming?
Progressive Official Realizes Too Late What She's Done After Putting Transgender Rapist in Women's Prison [PDF]
Wait a second, how can this be? Men faking at being a women?
Some Trans Prisoners "Switch Gender," Go Back to Male Identity After Placement in Women's Prisons
17 y/o boy (now 26) assualted girl, got caught, then suddenly changed "gender" to female so as to get sent to female Juvie: 26-Year-Old Convicted Child Molester Sentenced to 2 Years in Female Juvenile Facility
Trans First Grade Teacher Claims Doctors 'Guess' a Baby's Gender When They Are Born. Claims to teach about "transgender" to the kids [P]
IFI's Laurie Higgins clearly defines transcultism Read or listen (Player at bottom of article)
Gender Pretenders Destroying Authenticity and Liberty
Mr. Rodgers knew in the 1960's. He'd be charged with a hate crime today
Cambridge State Rep Candidate Identifies As Neither Man Nor Woman
Elizabeth Johnston: Oregon Schools Set to Place Pads and Tampons in Boys' Rooms for "Menstrual Dignity"
February 17, 2022:
UK Doctor Fired for Saying He Wouldn't Call A Man "Madam" Set to Appeal His Case
There is no apt description of this tra-ns-vesty
Marxist Los Angeles DA George Gascón Charges 26-Year-Old Transgender as Juvenile in Sex Assault of 10-Year-Old Girl [PDF]
Woman with mental issues tries to be a "man" and give birth anyway. Met someone through homohookup Grindr
Twitter Suspends The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh Over Transgender Posts [P]
Pedophile, 60, identifies as female, jailed for cocaine-fueled sex with dog
What I've Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy
Activists Deliberately Amplified Transgenderism To America's Gullible Kids, And Few Are Protecting Them
Totally bizarre betond words: 'I was living two different lives': Springfield middle school principal Declan O'Connor comes out as transgender
Michael Brown: Newsweek Warns: Sex-Change Surgery Might Just Destroy Your Life
The Transgender Question [P]
It's Not Just 'Gender Dysphoria.' It's Now 'Rapid Onset Marxism.'
The sickness revealed. Cross Dressiing for Sexual Arousal, Transvestite - transgender
How the transgender movement destroyed a family. A mother tells her story.
"... has motivated me to warn people of the destructive nature of the LGBTQ movement and how it seeks to destroy the rights of free speech, religious freedom, and parental rights."
They claim most people accept their mental disorders. But this Pro-life Polish legislator had the perfect response to a reporter who is a man claiming to be a woman:
I'm having a gag reflex ... Don't we all ...
Majority Oppose Trans Actions
Loudoun County School Board
Breaking News: Victory! Loudoun County Public Schools Remove Sexually Explicit Book from Library [P]
Children as Human Shields in Loudoun County
Loudoun County Students Stage Walkout, Parents Voice Outrage After Student Found Guilty of Assault
Loudoun County School Board Was Informed on the Day of Alleged Bathroom Assault
Loudoun County: When You Cover Up Alleged Rapes...You Can Expect These Sorts of Things to Happen [P]
Loudoun County Teen Claimed Sex Assault Was An Accident, Happened When His Skirt Snagged On Wristwatch
If people can claim to be of another sex, which is impossible, then why can't someone who is thin claim to be fat? | Give this guy a medal!
Major development for male teacher supervising nude girl in locker room [PDF]
Reveal: Nobody's buying it! - Joy Behar Called 'Caitlyn' Jenner 'He' [P]
Read or Listen: Butchering Bodies of Suffering Young People (Player at bottom of article)
Victory: Hairy-Chested Trans Mayor in California Booted from Office [PDF]
Victory: Alabama's Transgender Bill Bound to Trigger a Meltdown with the Left [P]
Idaho elementary school counselor tells 11-year-old girl she can be a "transsexual" - but doesn't tell her family!
Michael Brown: Court strikes blow against LGBTQ tyranny [PDF]
After Trans Activists Try To Ban 'Irreversible Damage,' It Becomes A Bestseller
Candace Owens Responds to Backlash to Harry Styles' Dress Comments: "Real Women Don't Do Fake Feminism"
"Trans" Cultism IS an Election Issue
A Victory for Truth: Transgender Study Corrected Trans surgey does not improve mental health
Study actually says transgender surgery makes people more likely to have anxiety disorders [PDF]
Related: Authors of Largest Gender 'Transition' Study Forced To Admit the Uncomfortable Truth
Unmistakably mental problems of transgenderism, in need of prayer, help
Court rules man cannot be listed as child's mother [PDF]
Problematic Women: Transgender Movement Seduces Teenage Girls
Sick, perverted:
Trans Bathroom Enabled Alleged Sexual Assault Of Kindergartener
Read, Listen, watch: Female-Impersonating "Teacher" Uses Girls' Restroom
Male teacher campaigns to share restroom with little girl [PDF]
Where's the father? Ohio Mom Throws 'Gender Reveal Party' for 17-Year-Old Transitioning 'Son'
J.K. Rowling Transgender surgery for kids a 'medical scandal'
Mother over-uses "He/Him/His" to describe her daughter 15-Year-Old Going Through Drug-Induced Menopause, And Her Mother Is Thrilled
Most Parents Have No Idea Their Kids' Schools Are Pushing Transgender Ideolog
Back to Top of Page
Trans Regret stories abound
Victory over the "trans" life through the Grace of God
In His Image: Delighting in God's Plan for Gender and Sexuality Trailer, Full Movie
In His Image: Many great videos | In His Image: Many great articles
Sex Change Regret
The reality, of course, is different. Across the country, thousands of young people are being permanently marked by physical and psychological damage. In fact, some are now expressing deep regret, and their stories are coming to light.
Dodsworth describes how one young woman, Lucy, who, struggling with anorexia and body dysmorphia, was quickly prescribed gender reassignment surgery as treatment: "At the age of just 23, she could not comprehend how doctors could remove her breasts, uterus and ovaries. 'I feel mutilated,' she said."
Another young woman, Susanna, described how her dysphoria grew from the scars of unaddressed sexual abuse: "For me, transition was a kind of self-harm. I was trying to destroy the person I was."
Woman sues top medical mutilation doctor for 'fast-tracking' gender transition
New Evidence Shows that 2/3 of Sex Change Patients Regret Their Decisions
Transgender Lawsuits Reveal Horrors of Procedures a lifetime of disfigurement and chronic pain [PDF]
Angry Detransitioner, 21, Sues Doctors For Removing Her Breasts at 16: [PDF] 'I Don't Think Kids Can Ever Consent' to a lifetime of disfigurement and chronic pain
Ex-Trans Exposes What Doctors Did to Her Backs FL Rule Barring Medicaid Funds for Trans Interventions [PDF]
Listen: The Transgender Terror with Chloe Cole and Jeff Younger (32:20)
Many Fox News Detrans Stories
Detransitioned woman: 'I'm grateful I wasn't affirmed' in my 'trans' identity as a child
"I Detransitioned. Here's what they will NEVER TELL YOU!"
Nikita Teran was 100% sure she was trans. Doctors rushed her through surgery for a double mastectomy
Detransitioning teen says medical team wouldn't help her
Transgender boy transitioning to life as girl changes his mind
What "60 Minutes+" Won't About How Transgender Movement Endangers Kids
Lesley Stahl defends CBS 60 Minutes episode about transgender people rushing into treatment then regretting it: Young man was castrated after taking female hormones for just THREE MONTHS
4 heart-breaking Trans-regret stories, includes moving video testimonies
Listen or Read: Listening to People Who Detransition
5 men and women harmed by 'trans' surgeries share their stories of regret, anxiety and depression
The complications from sex reassignment surgery are horrific - but in today's trans-activist world, we can't talk about this
Transgender Activists Tell Our Daughters They're Not Acceptable The Way They Are
YouTube Won't Allow You to Hear These 6 Words From Former Transgender Identifying Person Walt Heyer
"How the transgender movement destroyed my body and my life." A young woman tells her story as a warning to others.
For 11 Years, She Lived as a Man
More and more transsexuals speaking out over regretful surgeries
More and more trans men deeply regret gender reassignment surgery [PDF]
'Hundreds' Of Transgender People Want To Go Back To Their Birth Sex, Says Formerly Trans Woman
Transing Children Is Child Abuse And Should Be Punished
Univ. rejects study on transgender surgery regrets
Man Tried To Share His Regrets About Transgender Life. YouTube Censored It
British Prof. Shows "Sex Change Regret" is Rising, Univer. Takes Away His Funding [P]
Dozens of trans-regretters now 'out of the closet'
Exploiting Child Suicide To Bully Parents Of Trans Kids Is The Ultimate Science Denial
Scaring Parents Of Trans Kids With Suicide Shuts Down Their Ability To Consider Options For Their Kids
The strange and eerie tale of Richard L. Levine
Duh, who wudda thunk? - 'Transgender' men 'raping staff' in women's prison [PDF]
Dwyane Wade's Kid Underscores How Gender Fluidity Is Erasing Homosexuality
Parental rights trampled, Canada's homofascism spilling over into U.S.
Read, Listen: Canada, Big Brother, and a U.S. Congressional Race
Big Surprise: Transgender inmate accused of rape Who saw that coming?
Heartbreak, with video: Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of 'State-Sponsored Child Abuse'
Video: What Letting Your 3-Year-Old Choose Their Gender REALLY Looks Like - Funnnniee
University To Start Putting Feminine Hygiene Products In All Restrooms "Regardless Of Gender"
Read, Listen: Chicago Trans Power Couple Birth New Birth Certificates
Read, Listen: Lieutenant Colonel Pritzker Rejects His Sex and Political Affiliation
World's smallest violin time:
For transgender men, pain of menstruation is more than just physical [PDF]
Michigan: 45-Year-Old Sex Offender Identifies As 8-Year-Old Girl: Child Pornography Is Protected Under First Amendment [PDF] -
Related Video: Click here
Tucker Carlson Debunks Claim There is an "Epidemic" of Transgenders Being Murdered
Transgender Clinics Are Ruining Young Live
The 'Transgender' Endgame
Report: Transgenders 58% more likely to commit murder than be murdered [PDF]
Trans rights were never about equality. Equality means equal rights, not additional rights above and beyond what is common to all - for those new rights violate foundational ones. And if the foundational rights of some (such as freedom of expression) can be trampled simply because of their beliefs (such as in heterosexual marriage), then those foundational rights are not equally protected for all citizens. - Story source
Trans house of cards beginning to fall
Clearly with mental issues, goes hand-in-hand with gender dysphoria, this girl who thinks she's a boy needs help with reality, not affirmation of a non-winable situation: -
Alleged Juvenile STEM School Shooter Will Be Tried As An Adult - Pic- Pic
Read or Listen: A Terrible Secret Revealed by the Mother of Two "Trans"-Identifying Children
Read or Listen: The "Trans" Nightmares of Children We Don't Want to Hear
Affirming Falsehoods, Mutilating Bodies We Are Not "In" Our Bodies, We Are Our Bodies
Physical Interventions on the Bodies of Children to "Affirm" their "Gender Identity" Violate Sound Medical Ethics and Should be Prohibited
Legally Non-Binary Person Changes Birth Certificate Back To "Male" In Major Blow to Trans Narrative
Video: Poster boy for the trans movement
Trans 'Woman' Jessica Yaniv Slams Gynecologist For Refusing to Treat Him Because He's a Man
Dem. candidate, media, clueless to the mental problems of transgenderism
Ex-Transman: "Most Transgenders suffer from some kind of mental disorder" Video: Former Transgender Exposes Trans Movement! Lies, fraud
Video: Child Abuse, Female Erasure & the Death of ALL Human Rights
Related: CNN calls "women" individuals with a cervex"
Great comments with this story
Anyone surprised by this guy?
Transgender paedophile sues NHS for refusing "her" reassignment surgery while "she" serves prison sentence
Read, Listen: Christians Caving to "Trans"-Cultists' Language Rules
6 Crazy School District Responses To Parents Mad About LGBT Indoctrination Of Preschoolers
Gender-neutral restrooms in UK schools reportedly causing girls to hold bladders all day, stay home when menstruating [PDF]
Police arrest 'Sexy Vegan' following reports that he sexually assaulted his dog and posted a video of the incident on the internet
12 deaths from vaping, 6,300 deaths from transgender puberty-blocker drug?
Read, Listen: Incredible Story of District 211 School Board Elections - homo-corruption
7 Things I've Learned Since My Child Identified As Transgender
Sex Change Regret
Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century
Yes! - Ex-Transgenders are for real, the media lies Here are 2 de-trans sites Pique Resilience Project --- 4thWaveNow
Actual testimony, Video: Transgenderism: The Consequences
My New Life After Transgender Despair
Here's What People Who Used To Be Transgender Are Telling The Supreme Court [PDF]
Read, Listen: Debate on Co-Ed Locker Rooms with Irrational Executive Director of Uptown People's Law Center
Associated Press story about a woman with obvious mental issues, obese, thinks she's a man, take all kinds of drugs, still gets pregnant and the baby, who had a detectable heartbeat, dies in stillbirth (hmm, wonder how that could have happened)
AP says he, he, he, he, transgender man, "man delivers a baby," doctor says, "It's a very upsetting incident, it's a tragic outcome," as if all these factors weren't going to collide in disaster.
Now doctors need training. Once again, it's a baby that dies at the hand of insanity
Blurred lines: A pregnant man's tragedy tests gender notions
Trans Tragedy: This Baby Died Because Mother's Medical Records Listed Her as Male
Even the Department of Justice, in their description of a pervert tranny abusing a young girl. calls him a "she." Clueless, not recognizing that messing with genders is a mental illness:
Lawrence Resident Charged With Sexually Exploiting Children
Does Gender Transition Improve the Lives of People with Gender Dysphoria?
Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria�Too General and Too Much Harm
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
The story of a man who masqueraded as a woman, had many identities, and spent years defrauding and deluding investors in a clever scheme. This perfectly demonstrates the twisted thinking behind those who impersonate and hide behind a bizarre alternative identity. - Liz Carmichael, actually Jerry Dean Michael, a criminal huckster
Transgender people should BE REQUIRED to state the sex to which they are sexually attracted and aroused by. If someone calls them by the wrong gender, they should also RE REQUIRED to inform the person as to how they should have been able to idenify their desired gender. The confusion as to their intentions CAUSES many of the resentment and belittling they face.
Video - Stephen Crowder tries to sort it all out
Transgender insanity: Another big battle in the war on common sense
When Adults Like Caitlyn Jenner Pursue Xgender Parenting Fantasies, Children Suffer
Serious mental issues in so many ways: Lawrence Trans resident arrested on charges of sexually exploiting 4-year-old
Ex-'trans man' wants the world to know: Social media fuels kids' decision to change sex
Docs urge surgeon general to dig into gender dysphoria 'remedy'
Warning for trans kids: 'Wall of reality' at puberty
Taxpayers would foot bill for 'ghastly' surgery on children
The Cracks in the Edifice of Transgender Totalitarianism
Transgender woman uses restroom at same time as his wife, so 'upset' husband calls police. Then he's allegedly spit at and cursed out.
Psychologists Can't Figure Out Why Hardly Anyone Wants To Date A Trans Person
'Transgender' male teacher 'comes out' to elementary school kids without a warning
God help us Stop This Wicked Transgenderism
Transgender woman gets working vagina constructed from fish skin Did they really have to stress "odor free?"
Video: Pediatric Endocrinologist Blasts 'Poor Science' Behind Child Trans Therapy
5 Crazy Things Trans Activists Want Your Kids Taught About Gender Identity
Graphic: worker chops off his own penis and testicles using ultra-sharp ceramic knife and ice-cold water in bid to 'become a nullo' - was referred to a mental health team
SCIENCE: Majority Of Kids Stop Feeling Transgender As They Get Older
TED Talker Promotes Laws To Let Doctors Mutilate Minors Without Parent Consent
Father Gagged, Found Guilty Of 'Family Violence' For Calling Trans Daughter A 'She'
With Audio & Video: IFI: When Worldviews Collide
Feminist, Pro-Gay Mother Of Trans Child Critiques Bans On 'Conversion Therapy'
Whistleblowers: U.K. kids victims of trans-experiments
Listen: Opposition to "Trans" Ideology Grows Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute
How Naturalism, Gender Identity And Pornography Are Inexplicably Entwined
Transgenderism: More Poison Fruit from the Tree of Cultural Marxism
Police Arrest Transgender Woman In Bronx Pepper Spray Attack, Links To More Hate Crimes Being Investigated
Homathletes put their sexual orientation above the sport and their country:
Video: Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Is No Hero, is a total disgrace
With Video: Ashlyn Harris, F-bomb dropping Les. [PDF] & video
After yelling about inclusion, women's World Cup team excludes only black player for her Christian faith
Allie Long & Megan Rapinoe Drop American Flag to Ground During Women's World Cup Celebration For Photo Op
The confused world of Megan Rapinoe
Limbaugh: Soccer star Megan Rapinoe is 'cr*pping on the country'
Back to Top of Page
Men posing as women creating HUGE problem in women's sports:
There's No Such Thing As A 'Transgender Athlete'
Clueless Biden Reverses the Progress
DOE Is About to Unleash Sexual Assault on Girls and Women [P]
Transgender Madness is Destroying Girls Sports [P]
Setback: 2nd Circuit rules against protecting female athletes
Huge Actions, Victories for Women's Sports!
U.S. Supreme Court BLOCKS Biden Regime's Sick Title IX Rule in Several States, Which Would Have Forced Women to Allow Men In Their Locker Rooms and Bathrooms [PDF]
More: Supreme Court Hands the 'Trans Women Are Women' Crowd a Defeat [P]
Women's Sports Advocates React to Shocking UN Report About 'Trans' Athletes [P]
Women's college volleyball teams refuse to play against trans-identifying male
Dighton-Rehoboth Girls' Field Hockey Forfeits Upcoming Game Against Male Player
ADF Asks Supreme Court to Protect Women's Sports in West Virginia
NYC Parents Expressed Concerns About 'Transgender' Athletes. Here's How Democrats Responded. [P]
Dighton-Rehoboth School District Unanimously Approved Policy That Will Protect Females in Sports
North Shore Wrestling Coach Pushing For Separate Girls’ Wrestling Team, So Girls Don’t Have To Wrestle With Boys
New Hampshire Lawmaker Cites KIPP Academy Lynn Girls' Basketball In Push To Ban Transgender Athletes From Girls' Sports
"Only athletes whose biological sex assigned at birth is female and have not begun hormone therapy will be allowed participate in women's sports:"
NAIA takes a stand against men in women's sports
Led by Riley Gaines, 16 Women File Groundbreaking Suit against the NCAA
Vermont School Officials Pay the Price for Silencing Snowboarding Coach
A small step forward, but for reasons as yet unknown:
Brookline Trans Track Runner Who Helped Team Win State Title Did Not Compete At States This Year
Florida Principal, 4 School Officials Reassigned After Allowing Biological Male to Join Girls' Volleyball Team [PDF]
Stupid Democrat spills the beans. Suggests privacy shields in women's locker rooms. By saying that, he's admitting that those peverts are not actually "women."
Dem Accidentally Proves Men Using Women's Locker Rooms Is a Bad Idea [P]
Female Martial Artists Refuse to Compete in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament After Being Forced To Fight Men Claiming to be Women [PDF]
Gallup Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Do Not Believe Biological Men Should Be Allowed to Compete in Women's Sports [PDF]
Shocking # of Americans: Men Competing In Women's Sports Is Morally Wrong [P]
Men Cheating to win
A record of MALES who have robbed FEMALE athletes of success and opportunities in sport
and the organizations who have helped them do so.
UN study reveals female athletes lost almost 900 medals to transgender rivals
Boys Help Propel Milton Girls’ Swimming To Success This Season
Boys Leading Everett Girls' Field Hockey Team To Success This Season
'Khelif Is a Man': Female Boxer Who Trained With 'Trans' Olympian Speaks Out
Another Boxer Failed a Gender Test Competed Against a Woman at the Olympics [P]
Male Boxer Takes the Gold in Women's Boxing at the Woke Olympics After Beating China's Yang Liu [PDF]
Olympic atrocity: a "transgender" Algerian boxer beat up a woman to advance [P]
Transgender Disc Golfer Wins Pro Event In Franklin, Massachusetts
Trans Rower Wins Charles River Women's Regatta
The International Olympic Committee Is Playing a Dangerous Game
Connecticut Transgender Shot Putter Takes Bronze At Girls' State Championship Meet
Man wins Maine Girls' Track State Championship
Connecticut Transgender Track Athlete Wins Girls’ State Championship
Transgender New Hampshire Girls' Track Athlete Wins Another State Title
All-Star Boys' Soccer Player Playing For Carver High Girls' Team
Transgender Athlete Competing In Fencing At Brandeis University
Transgender Brookline Track Runner Has Won An Event At Every Meet This Spring
Camden Schreiner, a male, win 1st place in the women's 200m dash [X]
Maine Transgender High School Skiier Named To Girls' All-Conference Team
'Trans' Athlete Will Compete in a Women's Water Polo Championship [P]
Trans NH High School Track Runner Wins Two Events At Meet
'Cheater': Trans Weightlifter Wins Women's Competition [P]
Female weightlifter speaks out against male who competed in women's division [X]
Man wins women's weightlifting competition [X]
Female athlete gets teeth knocked out by a male playing on opposing team after a brutal shot
Vt Girls' Basketball Team With Transgender Center Loses State Championship Game
Transgender KIPP Academy Lynn B-ball Player Is A Three-Sport Star On Girls' Teams
Transgender Maine High School Skier Had Three Third-Place Finishes At State Championship Meet
Girl Injured by 'Trans-Identified Male' Basketball Player, Forcing Halftime Forfeit [PDF] Watch here
New Hampshire Transgender Track Athlete Favored To Win State Championship Meet
Biological Male Brookline, Mass. High School Track Runner Wins Girls' 55-Meter Dash Event At Conference Meet
Boys playing on girls' high school field hockey is becoming more common in Massachusetts
After Female Field Hockey Teammate Hospitalized By (brutal) Shot From Boy, Dighton-Rehoboth Captain Calls On MIAA To Make Changes
A 50-year-old dude is swimming in a girls swim competition and using the women's changing room with teenage girls
Maine Transgender Cross Country Runner Wins Girls' Class C Regional Meet
Mass. law so screweed up. Allows boys to play (as boys) on girls' teams Field Hockey, Soccer - Did the girls really win? Are opposing teams satisfied?
'Trans' Runner Complains About Being 'Embarrassingly Slow' After Winning Women's Race [P]
'Transgender' Athletes Dominate Women's Soccer Tournament [P]
Hulking 'Transgender' Fencer Wins Women's World Title Over Biological Females [P]
Trans Cyclist Defeats All Women in Race But Reportedly Didn't Place When Racing Men [PDF]
A College Coach Spoke Out Against Men in Women's Sports. What Happened. [P]
Boy Pretending to Be a Girl Wins Girls' High School State Skiing Championship: 'It's Not Fair' [PDF]
Republican Ohio Lawmakers Advance Bill Banning Biological Men From Girls' and Women's Sports [PDF]
Female Athletes Sound the Alarm About Trans Athletes in Women's Sports [P]
With video & Audio (Player at bottom of page) Title !V: Illinois' Disastrous Leadership Making Headlines-Again
Girl Athletes File Lawsuit Against Conn. For Allowing Biological Males In Their Sport [PDF]
Student Athletes in Oklahoma Will Now Have to Sign 'Biological Sex Affidavit' and Compete on Teams Matching Biological Sex
FINA Bans Transgender Swimmers in Women's Competitions [P]
Parents Face Even More Than the Destruction of Their Daughters' Sports As Title IX Turns 50 [P]
Title 9 Turns 50: Female Athletes & Advocates Raise Concern About the Future of Women's Sports [P]
Ohio Bill Would Require Genital Checks for Suspected Trans Athletes
South Carolina Bans Transgender Athletes In Women's and Girls' Sports
Tennessee Gov. Signs Law Penalizing Schools That Allow Transgender Athletes [P]
Kentucky, Oklahoma Join Arizona As Latest States Aiming to Protect Women's Sports
U.S. Education Department rules that men posing as women in sports is unfair to real women!
MassLive | Associated Press | Washington Times | Hartford Currant
Schools could lose Federal Funding, Federal Court to decide
Video: LifeSite News turns in petitions at U.S. Dept. of Education
More Female Athletes Are Calling on NCAA to Protect Women's Sports [P]
USA Swimming Unveils New Transgender Policy [P]
Olympic Committee Guidelines for Trans Athletes Eliminating Testosterone Threshold
More Than 300 Female Athletes, Olympians Urge NCAA To Protect Women's Sports
'Silent Protest': Women Refuse to Stand on Winners' Podium After Trans Cyclist Wins Race [P]
Man Who Thinks He Is a Woman Takes First in Women's Bike Race
They are Males, but They're Not Men [P]
Trans Runner Beat Thousands of Women in London Marathon After Running in NYC Race as a Man [P]
University Police Suspend Investigation into Riley Gaines' Hostage for Ransom Incident Citing Lack of Evidence, Despite Video
Man who thinks/pretends he's a woman, swims to women's records
Riley Gaines competes against Will Thomas (calling himself "Lia" and posing as a "woman,") in swimming
They tie in one of the events
Only one trophy could be awarded by the corrupt NCAA and it was given to the "transgender" guy.
An abomination!
Woman, 80, Banned from YMCA After Complaining About Trans 'Woman' in Locker Room [P]
Where Are All the Girls In Boys' Sports? [P]
Biological Male Transgender Cyclist Doubles-Down on Competing Against Women [P]
Trans Athletes, The New York Times, and the Ivy League [P]
Michael Phelps Weighs In on Trans Swimmer Controversy, Calls for "Even Playing Field"
"She" has faced anger, scorn and ridicule, criticized by some opponents
Transgender weightlifter selected for team [PDF]
Good news!
Texas Senate Passes Bill Requiring Students to Compete on Sports Teams That Match Their Biological Sex [P]
A Majority of Americans Support Restricting Trans Athletes to Teams That Correspond With Birth Gender
Homofascism: A College Coach Spoke Out Against Transgenders in Women's Sports. You Won't Believe What Happened Next [P]
Good news! Arizona Lawmakers Vote to Restrict Biological Male Athletes in Women's Sports [P]
In Case You Need More Proof Womanhood is at Risk, Outlet Put 'Female' in Quotes to Describe Emma Weyant [P]
NBC airbrushed Thomas photos to make him look more feminine [P]
Male pretending to be female wins NCAA Swimming event [PDF]
UPenn Officials Reportedly Ignore Complaints About Lia Thomas' Nudity in Women's Locker Room [P]
Biological Male Lia Thomas Competing in Women Swim Team Meets Wins More Titles, Sets Records [P]
Lia Thomas' Teammates Issue Letter Asking UPenn to Accept Protections for Female Athletes
Why Lia Thomas Is Making the Women's Locker Room at UPenn a Very Awkward Place [P]
Female UPenn Swimmer: Lia Thomas 'Was Not Even Close' to Being Competitive as a Male [P] with Video
The irony of it all:Transgender UPenn Swimmer 'Crushed' in Two Races By Another Transgender Athlete [P]
USA Swimming Official Resigns in Protest to Trans Athlete Lia Thomas Competing Against Women
Female Athletes Speak Out Against NCAA, Equality Act to Defend Women/Girls' Sports
As of April 25, 2021 - How Governors Voted to Protect Girls in Sports [P]
Good news!
Alabama Legislature Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes From Girls' Sports
Good news!
More than 30 states now considering bills to ban sexually confused boys from girls sports [PDF]
Good news!
Arkansas governor signs transgender sports ban into law
Good news! Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves to sign bill limiting girls' sports to biological females [PDF]
Disappointing news
ACLU Sues State of Ohio for Bans Against Child Sex Changes, Men in Women's Sports
Laurie Higgins, IFI: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Disappoints on "Trans" Law
Attack on Women's Sports Continues as NFL Team Ditches Cheerleaders for Gender Inclusive Dancers [PDF]
Transgender Fighter Who Broke Woman's Skull in MMA Ring Has Now Been Called the 'Bravest Athlete in History'
Victory - 14 States File Court Brief Backing Idaho Law That Protects Women's Sports From Bio Males
Political ads inform voters about inequality of 'Equality Act'
Video: Biden Supports Men in Women's Sports
Media giddy over transgender 'girls' but more females braving backlash
Kamala Harris wants guys to compete in girls' sports [PDF]
Transgender Movement Threatens Future of Women's Sports
High School Runner Who Lost to Transgender Athletes Will Compete in College
28 Congressional Dems Sign Letter Calling for DOE To Let Bio Males In Women's Sports
Trump Administration Shows Support for Female High School Track Athletes Involved in Transgender Case [PDF]
These 2 Women Refuse to Be Stripped of Their Right to Fairness in Sports [PDF]
Idaho State Track Athletes Want Transgender Lawsuit Tossed
Judge Who Banned Calling Trans Athletes 'Male' Has A History Of Favoring Sexual Predators
Reality cannot be undone: boys are boys, girls are girls
Victory: Idaho Governor signs major bills derailing the transgender agenda, despite huge pressure by liberal establishment for veto
DOJ against boys competing vs. girls as transgenders
Idaho legislature passes bill blocking transgender athletes from girls sports [PDF]
Read or Listen: Judge Commands ADF to Use "Trans" Term Laurie Higgins, IFI
Related: Attorneys for Conn. High School Runners Ask Judge to Recuse after He Forbids Them from Describing Trans Athletes as 'Male' [PDF] and From World Net Daily [PDF]
Alliance Defending Freedom case
Biologically male runner to compete in USA women's Olympic trials [PDF]
Three female students file lawsuit against Connecticut transgender-athlete policy [PDF]
Trans Women Competing Against Real Women Is Cheating, Plain and Simple
Biological Male Who Broke Two Female Competitors' Skulls Named "Bravest Athlete In History"
Idaho Proposes New Bill To Keep Biological Males Out Of Girls' Sports
New Hampshire Bill Would Limit Women's Sports to Biological Females [PDF]
Read or Listen: The Big Fat Lie of Leftists Who Sexually Integrate School Locker Rooms
Ministry backs bill to keep trans teens from competing vs. girls
Tennessee bill would finally protect girls sports teams from boys identifying as female [PDF]
Male Transjacking Will Ultimately End Women's Sports
Video: Australian Transgender Athlete Highlights Huge Differences Between Men and Women
Transgenderism and the Olympics
Every Dem. 2020 Frontrunner Supports Bill Forcing Male Athletes Into Girls' Sports ]PDF]
Trans athlete accused of 'dogging it' to avoid negative publicity
117,000 sign petition supporting girl forced to compete with boys who say they're 'female' athletes [PDF]
Trans Athletes Destroy The Meaning Of Women, Then Ask 'What Is A Woman?'
Wake up!: The End of Women's Sports
Read or Listen: E-Racing Women's Sports
'Not complicated' to see what's wrong with this picture
Donald Trump Jr. Says 'Sorry' to Female Athletes Who Lost to Transgender Cyclist in World Championship
Trans male wins women's cycling world championship, calls critics bigoted losers [PDF] Also with video
Ask female rugby players if 'sex' is same as perceived 'gender [PDF]
After Losing on Men's Team For 3 Years, Biological Male Runner Will Now Compete Against Women in NCAA Race as
Veteran runner witnessing 'trans-athletes' destroy female competition
Feds looking into girls' complaint that pro-trans policy is unfair
Listen: IL Human Rights Commission Mandates Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Public Schools
Transgender weightlifter wins 'blatantly unfair' gold medals, qualifies for Tokyo Olympics [PDF]
Democrats, Transsexuals, and Women's Sports
Will the Equality Act squash girls' hopes for athletic scholarships?
When girls' sports go nuts
Backlash: Female Student Athletes Push Back Against Trans Policies In Connecticut
Athletes file complaint over transgender policy - [JPG] - Story source1 - Story source2
The Truth About Transvestite Weightlifters
Run-of-the-mill as a man, champion as a 'woman'
Man places 390th in men's hurdles, calls himself female, snatches women's NCAA national title
Transgender powerlifter, stripped of world-record titles, says competing in special transgender category would be 'discrimination'
Trans Sport and the Assault on Women
With video: Out on the Street: Should Men Play in Women's Sports?
With video: The Make-Believe World Of A Transgender Powerlifter
With CT Video: - A High School Girl's Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport
But first, victories, of a sort: 'Transgender woman' stripped of victory in powerlifting competition
Public not applauding 'transgender rights' in sports
Tessa Johnson, a male who identifies as a female, just won his 10th gold medal of 2023 in a women's cycling
Trans Competitors In Women's Sports Destroy What Women Have Won
With Video: - Female Athletes Speak Out Against Transgender Athletes
Video: - Former Olympic medalist: Female athletes afraid to speak out about males competing as women
Trans weightlifter crushes world records See his picture
High School Girl Beat by Transgender Athletes Speaks Out
Transgender "woman" weightlifter takes world championship silver medals: 'Nobody wanted "her" to win' [PDF]
With video: Male Runners Continue Dominating Girls' High School Track in Conn.
Transgender wins international women's weightlifting title ... come on!
Woman Cyclist Cries Foul After Biological Male Wins Women's World Championship [PDF]- related -
Biological Male Wins Women's World Cycling Championship [PDF]
See video of the "race"
Testosterone-Pumped Tranny Wrestler Wins State Title For 2nd Consecutive Year
When a Man Set the Record for the Fastest Marathon Run by a Woman
Why not? Man who 'never felt human' now lives his life as a dog in £2,000 fur suit
Wait .. What?!!
'I am otherworldly': Ex-transgender man, 33, who now identifies as an 'agender ALIEN' reveals they have had their nipples and eyebrows REMOVED to look 'less human
With audio: Tampons in Boys' Bathrooms in Illinois Public Schools
Parents Outraged After Man Who Identifies As Woman Assaults 10-Year-Old Daughter In Women's Bathroom, Gets Slap On The Wrist [PDF]
What's Wrong With Being Transgender?
14 Years After Becoming Transgender, Teacher Says 'It Was A Mistake'
Graphic Video: Man who poses as a woman axe attacks people
Truth too late for teens seeking a path to trans
Confusion reigns: Feminist: Transgender Activism Is a 'Men's Rights Movement'
Dear Trans People: If You Want to be Treated Normally, Stop Demanding Special Rights
Trans-Black. Why not?
'Transmania' and the subversion of masculinity
The "Trans"-Identifying Pritzker Issues Ultimatum to GOP
Transgender Theory Enables Child Abuse
Pushback: Bishops fight church's transgender celebrations
Transgender Theory Enables Child Abuse
delusional: 'Gay' Man Knocks Up Transman 'Boyfriend'
Read or Listen: The Grotesque Indecency and Arrogance of the "Trans" Cult
Video: Gender confused man upset at a pronoun
Related: Sorry, sir, but you are not a 'ma'am' [P]
Transanity: Huh? Women's College to Accept Men 'Who Identify As Women' But Reject Women 'Who Identify As Men'
Related: Women's college to admit male students posing as women
Podcast: Which "Trans" Reality Matters? Biological or Phantasmical
Stand by for a wave of male prison inmates claiming to be transgender females
"Trans" Madness: De-Sexing the World
College places menstrual products in men's restrooms in the name of inclusivity for transgender students [PDF]
This Texas Mom Is Suing Her Ex-Husband For Refusing to Believe Their Son Is a Girl
Why transgenderism is a political ideology and not 'gender identity'
Now man faces threat to career for refusing to watch girl shower
Supremes asked if schools can expose naked students to opposite sex
School has 17 children changing gender as teacher says vulnerable pupils are being 'tricked' into believing they are the wrong sex
Male Teacher Threatened With Leave For Refusing to Supervise a Female Student Changing In the Boys' Locker Room
Male Teacher Disciplined for Refusal to Supervise Girl in Boys' Locker Room
Former "Transgenders" Talk About De-"Transitioning"
Canadian Trans 'Woman' Files Human Rights Complaints Against 16 Women For Refusing to Wax Him
Looks like we need a new letter - lgbtqD:
Transgender man identifies as a DOG and says chasing sticks and playing on all fours has brought him closer to his husband - Video
55 of 67,000 Members of American Academy of Pediatrics Devise Destructive "Trans" Policy
Transwoman LIVID a Bank Froze His Accounts Because He 'Sounded Like a Man' On the Phone
Pole-Dancing for Preschoolers
The dangers of 'trangender' hormone therapy
Is ANYONE Affected by "Trans" Deviance? [PDF]
Trans agenda lives on despite flawed studies
Guy says he 'identifies as a woman' to legally save a bundle on car insurance. Libs mad at their own laws.
Check your DNA and hormones at the door 'Lesbian feminist' transitions to male, accused of 'mansplaining,' 'heterosexual privilege'
The Transgender Mind-Body Split Destroys the Law
Study finds health risks for transgender "women" on hormone therapy
Feminists Clash with Transgenders at London Pride Parade [PDF]
CNN Father's Day Article Claims a Man 'Gave Birth' To - and Breastfed - His Son
Michael Brown - When Parents Push Back Against What I Call 'Transanity' [P]
Clearly in need of help and counseling, but doctors and pastors not allowed to suggest a way out of the lifestyle:
Chelsea Manning Tweets Suicide Note and Picture of "Herself" on Ledge of a Tall Building
This keeps getting more and more bizarre!
Caitlyn Jenner 'to marry transgender student 47 YEARS her junior' as it's revealed she 'hasn't met' Khloe and Kim's babies
Transgender inmate sues to practice witchcraft at notorious all-male N.C. prison
The Trials and Tribulations of the Transgenders
30 minutes matters but biology does not?
PA college student banned from class for saying there are only two genders [PDF]
The real Gender Fairy - A man, obviously trying to act like a woman, speaking in a false higher voice, waving arms around effeminately, admits hormone side effects, clearly something disturbing. Student banned for observing these truths. See for yourself:
Applauding mental illness in liberal Massachusetts
Big Brother Is Coming for Your Kids, and He's Wearing a Dress
Clearly a sickness - Disturbed woman, becoming a male lizard
He->"she" wants to be called "they" - (Trans) Swampscott principal out on leave [PDF]
Ohio Parents Lose Custody Of Their Transgender Wannabe Teenager
'Trans-Fluid' Student Gets Kicked Off the Boys' Basketball Team After Using Girls' Bathrooms
'Trans-Age' Child Rapist Claims He's a 9-Year-Old Boy Stuck In a Man's Body
"Trans"-ing the Little Ones
Things You Don't Hear About Gender Dysphoria
Dr. Michelle Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness is Not a Civil Right
Transgenderism IS Child Abuse [PDF]
Former transgender warns of 'great harm'
MA throws common sense out of bathroom
What could go wrong here? - 50 kids per week referred to sex UK change clinics [PDF]
Sick, video: - Trans Artist Turns 200 Gallons of Urine Into an Art Exhibit Against Trump
Transgender on trial for sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom [PDF]
Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom [P]
Pediatrician drops a bomb on idea that transgenderism is real - completely destroys it with truth - With video
Man thinks he's a woman, running for office, has campaign video showing him putting on make-up and taking drugs, one of which is Estradiol (estrogen) as he says, "This is just who I am." Dem transgender candidate with shocking new ad Did his DNA change?
Video only - Watch video portion only
Former transgender: It's insane to ignore mental illness
Chelsea Manning aghast! Canada bans ex-intel analyst for 'treason' [P]
Teacher with issues - 5th-grade teacher: 'My prefix is Mx. (pronounced Mix)' [P]
Barber: 'Homo-fascism' killed a GA Tech student
4 crucial details the anti-cop Left is ignoring about the GA Tech police shooting [PDF]
LGBTQ affirmation of his behavior and denial of counseling, not society, are responsible for this man's death: - A troubled (suicidal) Georgia Tech ("intersex" & "non-binary") student called 911 on himself, and now he's dead. [PDF]
Doctors Without Morals - Abusing Children: Kids can now get sex change hormones even younger. Here's why. [PDF]
This 12-Year-Old boy said he wanted to be a girl. 2 years later, changing His Mind.
Boy Who Began Sex Change at Age 12 Changes His Mind 2 Years Later [PDF]
Transgender AND Transager: 52 Year-Old Father Lives as a 6 Year-Old Girl
Proof: - Parents aid and abet Transgender children
Pediatric expert calls kindergarten transgender lesson 'psychological abuse'
Matt Walsh: Kids are only 'transgender' because the adults in their lives make them that way [PDF]
Switching gender 3 times? This will break your mind! - Deep psychological disorder
Transgender Suicides: What to Do About Them
Sexual deviancy symptom of deeper mental issues:
Woman imprisoned for pretending to be a man while having sex
Mother admits deep mental problems - The "Trans" Ideology Damages Children [PDF]
The True Bradley 'Chelsea' Manning Story is Stranger Than Fiction
Trannys can't get dates? Heterosexual men like heterosexual women ... that's NOT discrimination! [PDF]
How sick: Straight men should 'work through' non-attraction to transgender women [PDF]
Why kids are pushed toward transgenderism - "Social justice" activism
Soldiers plead for release from 'transgender training'
Woman guilty of using fake penis and tricking friend into having sex with her [PDF]
Body Blitz Spa denies transgender woman service due to 'male genitalia' policy (w/video)
Media Buries Reason Girl Who 'Looks Like A Boy' Was Kicked Out Of Soccer Match
Matt Walsh: Please, leftists, explain how this 'transgender' madness empowers women
Child Abuse - Father of 3 year old claims to be a woman, wants her to call him "mom"
De-transitioning - California fights man's request for 'male' on birth certificate
Bathroom Bill Opponent Says Angry Activist Attacked Him At Private Event [PDF]
Science with an agenda
The Transgender Suicide Rate Isn't Due To Discrimination
Five examples of transanity
Mother and Son Become Father and Daughter
Former "Transgenders" Talk About De-"Transitioning" [PDF]
The depth of mental issues: Transgender vs. Transsexual: What's the Difference?
I'm Sorry, But Caitlyn Jenner Is a Man Wearing a Dress [P]
Pa. ex-con in castration case arrested after allegedly threatening to shoot judge [PDF]
Transgender murderer moved from women's prison 'after having sex with female inmates'
Transgender crazy-making: Doctors urged not to call pregnant women 'expectant mothers' [PDF]
Gender abuse could become publicly mandated child abuse
Pediatrician group speaks out against National Geographic's 9-year old 'trans' cover [PDF]
Parody, or Reality? The Trans-Truth [PDF]
Texas judge halts federal transgender health protections
AFA: Maybe it's not wise to celebrate mental illness?
DC's Transgender Cop Poster Child Turns Out To Be A Pervert
Transgender flight from reality
Danhof wins a battle in war over what is 'hate'
Bathroom access: Obama's fraud upon America
'Irresponsible' bathroom ruling imperils kids
Science and time vs. transgender youth
School Drops Transgender Bathroom Policy After Child Sexually Assaulted [PDF]
Need some help catching creeps, Target?
How sick is this? Tampons coming to men's rooms at Brown University -"not all people who menstruate are women"
Scott Lively: Transgenderism and the collapse of social order [P]
10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family's Worst Enemy [P]
There's No Way I'll Send My Kids To Public School To Be Brainwashed By The LGBT Lobby
Macy's fires man for views on transgender in ladies' room
Target transgender voyeur had recorded other girls undressing: Police
Target's policy of men in women's areas creates yet another problem [PDF]
Transgender (man pretending to be a woman) Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
Lifeguard in hot water - for guarding life
Target, you were warned this would happen
State leader quits ACLU after daughters were 'visibly frightened' by men using women's restroom [PDF]
ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom
Candid truth about America's battle for the bathroom
Megachurch pastor preaches God made '2, not 3' genders
Obama's Bathroom Bill, and Fox's Megan Kelly is clueless
Rush shreds N.C. paper: Girls should 'get over' men's genitals?
Wrapping mental illness in the American flag
'Peeping Tom' reported in Target dressing room
Target goes officially insane
Transgender Woman Exercised Husband to Death
'Do your job': The left just got its very own version of Kim Davis
The reality of opening up women's bathrooms, locker rooms to sexual predators
The Transgender Movement and "Gender Identity" in the Law
'Transgender' conditioning is 'child abuse'
American College of Pediatricians Gender Ideology Harms Children
Is the LGB - T House of Cards falling apart?
Transgender reassignment dangers - When the Reprive is only temporary
Franklin Graham: NC transgender bill 'wicked, filthy'
FRANKLIN IN THE MORNING: LGBT triumph: Sex change now forced on toddlers
One person who is a rare, true "transgender," born with male and female organs, with a legitimate right to sex-assignment surgey. But, then, wait! Becoming a porn star? Clearly in need of psychological help. But, wait again! Professionals are being denied by the LGBTQ community the right to offer that help:
Michael Phelps' 'Intersex' Girlfriend Attempts Suicide, Blames Swimmer For Being 'Ashamed' Of Her
A small victory: Parent beats 1st-grade transgender ed. ... for now
Gender-confused children are just that - confused
Trauma to unsuspecting man who killed tranny ignored
Teacher wrongly terminated for refusing to address a 6-year-old girl as a transgender boy
Back to Top of Page
Reality of the DeathStyle - Deeper Psychological & Health Problems at Work:
Homopox - disgusting behavior leads to infection: A Preschool Teacher's Disturbing Social Media Gets Him Barred from Job
This is who they are, what they do: 'Trans Gamer Girl': The Suspect That Tried to Murder Brett Kavanaugh [P]
Pro-abort, sick, lives for sex perversion
Keep Objecting to Homosexuality: 4 Good Reasons
In the words of the United Church of Christ: God is still speaking
"God is still speaking. At the very least, that requires us to still be listening."
Sound advice, do you agree?
UCC was hearing God say: That Jesus didn't turn people away, and neither would the UCC. No human label - straight, gay, white, black, Hispanic, disabled or anything else - would be a barrier to membership in a UCC.
Such a perversion of Jesus' words. He accepted all, but NEVER affirmed sinful behavior
Notice how they mix sexual preference with immutable traits like race and disability. The UCC, as do many churches, welcomes homosexuals, or anyone on the "H" spectrum, but the difference is that the UCC affirms the behavior, where real Christian churches pray that the homosexual repents, "Go and sin no more," as it is.
That brings us to:
Syphilis Soars in the US
Syphilis cases in the US have risen to the highest level since the 1950s, according to new data on sexually transmitted infections released yesterday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
From the CDC:
Syphilis Soars in the US
How common is syphilis?
Syphilis case reports continue to increase since reaching a historic low in 2000 and 2001. During 2021, there were 176,713 new cases of syphilis (all stages). Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are experiencing extreme effects of syphilis. They account for 36 percent of all primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis cases in the 2021 STD Surveillance Report. They also account for 47 percent of all male P&S cases.
What is the link between syphilis and HIV?
In the United States, about half of MSM with P&S syphilis also have HIV. Additionally, MSM who are HIV-negative and diagnosed with P&S syphilis are more likely to get HIV in the future. Genital sores caused by syphilis make it easier to transmit and acquire HIV infection sexually. The risk of acquiring HIV increases if exposure to that infection occurs when syphilis is present. Furthermore, syphilis and other STDs might indicate ongoing behaviors and exposures that place a person at greater risk for acquiring HIV.
Data source: the CDC
The consequences of the pollution of the nation's blood supply
I lost my mum, dad and baby sister to HIV in infected blood scandal
PM apologises after infected blood scandal cover-up
The Inquiry Report
'Trans Women' Taking Hormones Are More Likely to Suffer 'Severe' Health Conditions [P]
Lady, who's married to another lesbian, poster child for mental issues related to gender bending
Over Half of 'Trans Women' in Jail in Wisconsin Have Been Convicted of Sex Crimes [P]
Boston Children's Hospital Gender Clinic - Here's what's really happening to children and teenagers!
Lesbian "trans therapist" reveals how screwed up the whole Trans thing is
Christianity and transgenderism are wildly incompatible: Ready Yourself for the 2024 Storms [PDF]
Nashville Transgender Shooter Plotted Christian School Attack For Months [P]
Proof! Trans-crap comes from serious mental problems Manifesto Left by Transgender Covenant School Killer Audrey Hale
Is "LGBTQ" Driving Rising Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Is "LGBTQ" Driving Rising Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Liberal Filmmaker Slams 'Gender-Affirming' Care After Son Came Out as Transgender [P]
The Trouble with Gays Against Groomers and Conservatives, Christians and Pro-family Activists
Even after cutting up her body, people still see her as a woman
New Data on Monkeypox Will Probably Create More Confusion Due to Political Correctness [P]
Since the outset of the global monkeypox outbreak in May, public health and infectious disease experts have told the public that the virus is largely transmitting through skin-to-skin contact, in particular during sex between men.
Now, however, an expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself - both anal as well as oral intercourse - is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission.
CDC warns of rise in drug-resistant Shigella bacteria causing strong illness
WHO Says Monkeypox Is Spreading Through Homosexual Activity Among Men
Rampant Homosex=monkeypox: What Doctors Are Hearing from Monkeypox-Infected Gay Men Exposes Liberal Health Hypocrisy [PDF]
Satanic Temple head: 'More than 50% of our membership is LGBTQ'
They love to point out historical persons who are some form of "H." They never seem to mention the crazy ones, though. Henry Paget, 5th Marquess of Anglesey Textbook case of mental and emotional issues
Indoctrination, pure and simple. Homogenous groups deep into sex-ed while admitting mental issues amongst gender confused youth
Commission on LGBTQ Youth urges Massachusetts to increase sex ed in schools and boost mental health access
Video: Hi-Rez anti-Woke Rap song: 2+2=5
Settled Science? Trans-lies are not science!
Vanderbilt Med. Center's 'transgender' program built on money, power
Bill Maher Sounds the Alarm on Exploding LGBT Numbers: 'We're Literally Experimenting on Children'
Health officials warn of 'large' outbreak of serious bacterial illness in Florida [PDF]
CDC Alert Meningococcal Disease Outbreak, Florida, 2022
Former Northwestern professor Wyndham Lathem found guilty of murder
Trial of former NU professor accused of grisly River North murder expected to start
Bella Thorne reveals she's pansexual: What does it mean?
As Loudoun schools sought to pass a controversial transgender policy in June, it concealed that a 9th-grade girl was allegedly raped by a "gender fluid" student in a school bathroom just 3 weeks prior
A Victory for Truth: Transgender Study Corrected Trans surgey does not improve mental health
Suddenly gay? Not "Born that way" - Oh, but not a choice: Elizabeth Smart's Father on Coming Out as Gay, Leaving Mormon Church
The complications from sex reassignment surgery are horrific - but in today's trans-activist world, we can't talk about this
So screwed up: LGBTQ+ Blood Donors
AFA Radio, Listen: Life is like football, all things are "binary," including sex and gender
Harvey Milk exposed. Prohomos incorrectly hold up Milk as a victim of "homophobic" violence, when his sick sexuality was not the
motive for his killing. Similarly, Matthew Shepard (drug deal gone wrong), Jesse Smollett (lied about 'attack') and David Kato (done in by his homosexual lover)
are propped up as such victims. Now the U.S. Navy, by an Obama appointee, wants to name a ship after a pederast? The Post Office already made a
Harvey Milk stamp and Obama posthumously awarded pederast Milk the Presidential Medal of Freedom, forever dishonoring the significance of that medal.
Read or Listen: Military Honors Pederast Harvey Milk
"Nex" Benedict - Another False Flag. Death blamed on fight but ruled suicide We Know How a Transgender Student Died Following a School Bathroom Brawl [P]
Biden's Statement on the Death of OK Trans Teen Is Everything You'd Expect It to Be [P]
Read or listen: What Our Taxes Subsidize (Warning-It's Creepy)
Yale's "Trans" Research Discredited and Retracted
Homocritical Tasteless LGBT Activists, Publication Jeer At People Who Died From Coronavirus
Speaking truth and love in a science-denying culture
Exploiting Child Suicide To Bully Parents Of Trans Kids Is The Ultimate Science Denial
CDC disease, suicide stats: No shame from PBS over 'Prideland' propaganda
Read or listen: This American Life of Sexual Perversity
Gay Marriage Was Always Leading To Polygamy
Transition as Treatment: The Best Studies Show the Worst Outcomes [PDF]
LGBT Activists Shouldn't Encourage Teens To Use Grindr App Complicit In Gruesome Murder
World AIDS Day Propaganda tool ignores the truth
Just as they recruit young people into the death style, now they're recruiting QBT's to deliberately get AIDS Progressive rag editor encourages people to have sex with HIV positive partners [PDF]
New Data Show "Gender-Affirming" Surgery Doesn't Really Improve Mental Health. So Why Are the Study's Authors Saying It Does?
Why My Wife And I Decided To Abort Our Unborn Gay Son
Using the "homophobic" defense" US executes gay man who said trial tainted by homophobia
God is still speaking - UCC, you should LISTEN to God, not USE Him
Meet the group injured most by ban on counseling against gayness [PDF]
First case of dengue spread by sex confirmed in Spain
Does LGBTQ Cultural Supremacy Enable High-Risk Behavior?
"World AIDS Day" vs. the Truth
Video: Drug maker reveals the truth about health hazards of homosexual life
Media trying to excuese Katie Hill's behavior away:
MSNBC Guest: Dems Follow House Ethics on Sexual Misconduct More Than the GOP
Homosexual Democrats must be so proud! Shocking photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill are revealed showing off Nazi-era tattoo while smoking a bong, kissing her female staffer and posing nude on 'wife sharing' sites
Obvious mental problems not solved by sex change 'I was suicidal at age seven': Transgender teen on her painful transition into adulthood and how she still finds physical intimacy difficult
Miley Cyrus, Marie Osmond, similar lesbian feeling causes and outcomes, but different
"When I was about eight or nine, I actually thought I was gay," Marie said. "The reason is because I had been sexually abused to the point that men made me sick. I didn't trust them, I didn't like them."
"Partner problems?" Rosie O'Donnell and "fiancée," Worcester Police Officer Elizabeth Rooney, split up a year after engagement The comments are priceless
No drop in ho-mental suicides where "gay marriage" is in LaBarbera: Lies can't redefine truth
LGBTQ Wrongly Assumes Authority To Dictate Our Words
Researchers test facial recognition technology on transgender women - it says they're men
Privacy in Bathrooms Going, Going, Soon Gone
Read or Listen Imagine A Revision of Greta Thunberg's Screed
Media puts positive spin on latest 'gay gene' study
George Michael
George Michael 'was HIV positive' claims ex Fadi Fawaz's Twitter account
"Partner problems?" Fadi Fawaz is dramatically arrested after 'smashing up George Michael's mansion'
Are people finally waking up? Acceptance of gay sex in decline in UK for first time since Aids crisis
Evil on parade. No question this is satanic blasphemy
Recruitment: Sexually using children - obvious recruitment
EVIL MUTILATION Mum and lesbian lover tear off 9-year-old son's penis then behead him 'as he reminded her of her dad
Just Like Female Genital Mutilation, Transgender Chest-Binding Is Barbaric
What a phony - sexual orientation and Biden job both messed up
Clown Show: Pete Buttigieg 'Bikes' To Work After SUVs Drive Him Part Of The Way
You can bet on the gender of the pornography victims here!
LGBTQ-Activist Dem Mayor, 'Mentored' by Buttigieg, Arrested for Vile Charge [P]
Pete Buttigieg Tried to Block Pro-Life Pregnancy Center From Opening
Peter->Buttigieg Blames the Violence on Trump [PDF] | Story source, [P]
With video: Defends Abortion Up to Birth and Infanticide: "It Should be Up to the Woman"
Wrong about Religion, Homosexuality, and Abortion
And yet Notre Dame 'thrilled' to hire pro-abortion homosexual Pete Buttigieg. Faithful Catholics dismayed
Pro-Life Group Wants Pete Buttigieg Investigated Over Ties to Abortionist Who Kept 2,246 Aborted Babies
MicroAgressions, Snowflake Peter BUTTigieg top issue: Microaggression Survey Shows 'Elite Narcissism' Of Democrats
Psychology professor surveys college students on what triggers them. Trump comes up a lot.
Read or listen: Limbaugh Gives Judgmental, Intolerant "Progressives" the Fake-Vapors-Again
Michael Brown: Mayor Pete sits in judgment of God [PDF]
Laurie Higgins, Read or listen: Buttigieg's Shameful Political Exploitation of a Child
Laurie Higgins, Read or listen: Limbaugh Gives Judgmental, Intolerant "Progressives" the Fake-Vapors-Again
Watch him trash the Bible - Is this the Devil speaking?
Dr. Michael Brown: I will say what the political leaders cannot say about Pete Buttigieg
Pro-Life Group Wants Pete Buttigieg Investigated Over Ties to Abortionist Who Kept 2,246 Aborted Babies
Pete Buttigieg: Life Begins At Breath
Read/listen: Pete Buttigieg: Fool or Wolf in Lamb's Clothing? Skews Bible for his needs
Mayor Pete and his partner are the perfect poster boys for the gay agenda:
Why Time magazine loves Pete Buttigieg
Why Will No Reporter Ask Mayor Pete these Questions? [PDF]
Health hazards of HBT deathstyle: Newsweek Hit Piece Attacks and Slanders Me Because of My Question to Pete Buttigieg! [PDF]
Pete Buttigieg Is Right That Christians Need To Be Rebuked - But someone who lives in sexual immorality and supports abortion right up until birth is quite obviously the wrong person to do it
PETER BUTTigieg: Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How "Gay" Are You?
Buttigieg called out by brother-in-law, claims 2020 candidate lies about his family for sympathy and politics [PDF]
Read & Listen: Harming Children from Toddlerhood to Adulthood
The 'brutal reality' of male homosexual behavior
Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez Says it's Necessary to Discuss the Biological Realities of the Homosexual Lifestyle In Order to Help People Get Set Free From it With Podcast, jump to 18 minute mark
LGBTQ: Forcing Us To Embrace Their Destructive Lifestyle
Elton John: Elton John - Mental issues - decades of substance abuse. sympton: Gender confusion [PDF]
A Sexual Deviant As America's Next President?
News Flash: Sodomy is Gross, and Grossly Wrong
Convention at major U.S. hotels showcases extreme sexual depravity
Stop Your Whining, LGBTQ People. You're Actually the Most Privileged Among Us!
New Evidence Indicates Cross-Sex Hormones Trigger Major Heart Problems
With video:
'I ripped the condom, I got you': Victim reveals the horrific moment the 'HIV hairdresser' phoned to gloat about deliberately infecting him with the virus
Lesbian and bisexual women more likely to be overweight than straight women, study finds - They needed a "study" for this?
A life style and practice that is not meant to be!
The origin & spread of HIV/AIDS - promiscuous homosexual lifestyle is squarely to blame
Don't watch this if you just had a soda: Oh, you must be so "proud"
SexInfo Online - Supposedly a sex-ed resource but top-heavy with homosexual topics
College run website obviously cobbled together by homosexuals as a recruitment tool
Encourages same-sex play? - the real reason for the perverted article, which has been removed from the college website:
Public university hosts website encouraging parents to let kids participate in 'sexual play'
See also
Sad but true: The lifestyle is not about normalcy. It's all about sex, as much sex that can be had. The pro-homosensual paper from San Francisco
inadvertently reveals a godless world in Toronto of bathhouses, X-rated video stores, sex workers, drug addiction, HIV/AIDS and "gay" bars, in an
enclave called Gay Village. Homoerotic choking violence was the order of the day in this modern Sodom. Targets of opportunity are all too common
in this world, but it's not always men seeking children. Sometimes it's men seeking to harm or kill. Is this the end result of the homosexual agenda gone wild?
-- Pray for our world. PDF version
Gay men kept vanishing on the streets of Toronto. Now, a serial killer has confessed
Several realities here in the Poster Child for abusive lesbian relationships, or "partner problems," as they sugar-coat them:
- The homomedia sometimes refuses to use term "lesbian." *
- The inherently disturbed and often violent nature in lesbian relationships
endanger children
- You can trust CNN - to promote the LGBTQ agenda *
Inquest finds the Hart parents intentionally killed their 6 adopted kids & themselves
- Jury finds family of 8 died by murder-suicide in cliff crash *
- Heartbreaking Details About the Lesbian Couple Who Drove Themselves And All 6 Of Their Kids Off A Cliff After Neighbors Suspected Abus
- CAR PLUNGE MYSTERY: No sign kids lived at lesbian couple's home
- Two White Moms. Six Black Kids. One Unthinkable Tragedy. A Look Inside the 'Perfect' Hart Family
- Former foster child reveals details of life with the lesbian mums who died in California cliff crash
- Lesbian mums Jennifer and Sarah Hart who drove family off cliff had 'violent history
- Child Abuse Claims Could Be Key to Answering Question in California Cliff Crash: Why? *
- Family's Fatal Cliff Car Crash Likely Was Intentional, Police Say *
- Other "Partner Problems" (The "Lesbian" not used here, either):
- Peabody woman accused of running down ex-girlfriend
- Rosie O'Donnell's Ex-Wife Michelle Rounds Dies at 46 of Apparent Suicide
- For months, news articles never mention the lesbian angle to this attack
Professor pleads guilty to attacking faculty member [PDF]
Mount Holyoke professor Rie Hachiyanagi denied bail in attempted murder case
- Justice finally served:
Guilty verdict for Cara Rintala in 2010 killing a 'measure of justice,' lawyer says
- Cara Rintala will face fourth murder trial in Northampton next year
- Cara Rintala granted bail in advance of 4th trial for 2010 killing of spouse, Annamarie Cochrane Rintala [PDF]
- Murder defendant Cara Rintala fights for release on bail after SJC overturns 2016 conviction [PDF]
- Cara Rintala, convicted of killing her "wife" in Granby, will remain in prison while awaiting appeal
- Cara Rintala, convicted in 2010 killing "wife" in Granby, denied appeal for new trial
- It's over, justice delayed - Cara Rintala guilty of first degree murder - PDF version
- Lesbian violence - Murder of Annamarie Cochrane Rintala to be featured on Investigation Discovery's Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall
- Prosecutor says justice served for Annamarie Cochrane Rintala; defense says Cara Rintala maintains her innocence
This is what they do:
Back to Top of Page
Sound familiar? The man who attacked Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl:
Was molested as a teen (What happened to "born that way?")
Claims to be "bi-sexual," (doesn't sound as bad as "homosexual")
A single "father" rasing, you guessed it, a boy
Triggered by pedophilia remarks (He doth protest too much?)
We Now Know Why Dave Chappelle Was Attacked During Performance [P]
All serving to prove that gender mix-ups are not what you do or who you are, they are symptoms of deeper psychological issues. Abuse leads to the lifestyle, much like bullying
Groomimg -> Recruitment: No parents allowed: MN funds sexualized trips for kids
Bestiality Taught in Australian School's "Queer" Sex Class
Founder of LGBT "pride" group arrested for 30 counts of child sex crimes
Another 'Pride' Charity Founder Busted for Horrifying Crimes Against Children
This is what they do: It's all about sex, partner abuse, STDs/AIDS, mental 'health'
At the 2024 Boston Gay Pride - Handouts provide a dark look behind the LGBT propaganda curtain.
Founders of LGBTQ youth group under investigation for sexual exploitation [X]
Perversion of the Pledge of Allegiance, Indoctrination, pledge to the rainbow flag
The Sin of Pride Parades: Cesspools for grooming and recruitment
How they single out victims for recruitment. Find kids with issues with parents: Photo reveals the truth behind thier motives
This apparently turns some of the sickies on: German Leftist Politician Films Himself Licking Public Toilets in Railway Station & Other Abhorrent Sexual Acts [PDF]
Dem Staffer Busted for Having Gay Sex in Senate Hearing Room [P]
More, with graphic video
When 1 student with an identity problem feels uncomfortable in school, the entire system has to change and everyone else has to conform to their delusion.
But, when many normal people feel uncomfortable, that's too bad:
A male teacher who identifies as nonbinary likes to wear tight dresses to school so his bulge sticks out X
Article reveals sexual abuse charges, but sugar-coats his personality:
Actor and Drag Star Shangela Accused of Multiple Sexual Assaults
Drag Queen 'Shangela' who was invited by Kamala Harris to the White House to celebrate Pride Month was just accused of multiple sexual assaults
Natalie Pershall, a man pretending to be a woman was just sentenced to 6 years probation, 87 days in jail, and must register as a sex offender for taking pictures of females in the women's bathroom of his company's office. [X]
Prominent LGBTQ activist Trey Farmer arrested on child porn charges. [X]
Drag Queen dances on table in school, cartwheels to expose underwear
Parent addresses school board. DQ tells kids to pick a DQ name [X]
$1M of your tax dollars to go towards renovating an LGBTQ Center in PA which boasts rooms to try BDSM and sex fetishes X
Regina Mai Allen (aka Ringo Valentine), an outspoken trans-nonbinary activist was arrested on child sex crime charges for distributing, possessing, and viewing child pornography.
OSU Sex Week is a Sleazy DEI Joke
Ex-President of Canadian LGBTQ+ Pride Organization Faces Charges for Child Sexual Exploitation and Possession, Distribution of Child Abuse Material
Trans Activist Arrested for Raping Two Children Under the Age of 12
As if the pronoun madness has been around forever:
WOKE teacher: ask students' permission to use their preferred name and pronouns in front of their parents
Friend of Butthegiggles and Pelosi:
Ex-Maryland Democrat Mayor Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison from 150-Year Plea Deal for Child Porn Case Involving Over 500 Victims [PDF]
Proof of underlying mental issues:
Elementary Substitute Teachers Cited for Prostitution After Undercover Sting [P]
Porn in Western Massachusetts schools:
Sen. John Kennedy Read parts of books some say should not be banned in libraries: Caution! X-rated text from childrens book are read, Explicit!
Drag queen teacher guided students to his sexual drag content on social media
All part of recruiting:
He thinks teachers shouldn't refer to students as "boys and girls" because it forces a gender on them and they might be queer.
Woman in NJ Prison Files Lawsuit: She Was Sexually Assaulted By Transgender Inmate [PDF]
Stopping The Predators
Ottawa Perv Festival - Dildo ring-toss game
Let the Grooming Begin
VA School Superintendent Indicted for Covering Up Campus Rape Amid Trans Bathroom Controversy
What they do:
Mayor of Burbank gets spanking from drag queen in front of children at campaign event
What they do:
A drag queen PRINCIPAL with a history of sex crimes?
What they do: Missouri Dept of Health investigating Starbucks barista with diaper fetish after he filmed himself dispensing whipped cream into his diaper
What they do - Strippers in front of children: Video of Child on Stripper Pole With Half-Naked Woman at "Pride" Event Causes Outrage
Child Porn Offender KBJ Sentenced to Just 3 Months Continued Searching Pictures of Children After Release
Homosexual women slang terms to watch for in schools
Audio Reveals How Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs [PDF]
J. Rosenbaum, shot by Kyle Rittenhouse, was a convicted homosexual pedophile
Rittenhouse Use of Force Against a Pedophile Who 'Tried to Touch the Wrong Minor' [P]
Pederast snagged, man prefers 14 year-old boys [PDF]
Book store successful because of huge demand of perverse material: These grandparents sold gay porn for decades and almost went to prison. Now, they are calling it quits
KTLA Anchor Chris Burrous Died from Overdose on Crystal Meth After Inserting Drug into His An.. [PDF]
A Gay Councilman in Texas, Ousted From Office, Says He Was Blackmailed With Naked Photos [PDF]
Note typical article that doesn't mention man-boy relation until end paragraphs
Delta Airlines launches investigation of male flight attendant after clips of his mile-high romp with porn star Austin Wolf in the plane's lavatory
Bryon Hefner:
Bryon Hefner, estranged husband of former Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg, gets probation in sex assault case
Bryon Hefner, estranged husband of former Senate President Stan Rosenberg, considering plea deal in sexual assault case
Sexual assault, nude photo charges against Bryon Hefner will be heard in separate trials
Abused as a child, tough father, became homosexually inclined: Aaron Hernandez 'had sexual relationship with high school quarterback'
Don't Blame Repressed Homosexuality For Aaron Hernandez's Crime
A. Hernandez left suicide notes for his jailhouse LOVER & for his fiancee & 4 daughter
LGBT journalist arrested for 'sending death threats to self
Expand and read the comments - People are not fooled by the anti-bully rhetoric. There's probably much more to this story than is reported:
A 9-Year-Old Colo. Boy's Death by Suicide Highlights Challenges Facing LGBTQ Kids
But of course, drugs. Mystery? Not really - Mystery surrounds gay porn star found dead, aged 21, as scammers set up fake Go Fund Me accounts to 'pay for funeral costs'
Like many other talented artists, died of AIDS at 36. His life is called "androgyny of the glam" - "tragic gay" glam-rocker Jobriath - They can't see the forest for the trees
Video: No end to the homosexual perversion
Video: Saturday Night Live unwittingly reveals the truth about the mental disconnect of the homosexual life style
Study: Almost half of gay men abused by their partners [PDF]
Ironic, clueless Newspaper - Supports "Pride" Then this
Mom accuses pope of cover-up of son's sex abuse
HomoBondage sickness - "He was in a primary "coupled" relationship 1978 until 1992, at which time his partner passed away. He currently has primary relationships with three men, and has been in a relationship with each of them for more than 18 years."
Death in a Hollywood Sex Dungeon: How a Top Agency Executive's "Mummification" Ritual Ended in Tragedy
Accepting, Including, Embracing, and Sharing Deviance
What could go wrong? Man jailed for life after deliberately infecting men with HIV
Is it really fossil fuels? Gay Activist Lights Himself On Fire, Dies To Protest Global Warming
Parents lose custody of minor teen who wants to 'transition'
Senior AIDS official arrested for trying to molest young boy
Convicted Sex Offender Identified As Third Victim In Washington Train Wreck
Famous director of 'Usual Suspects' and 'X-Men' sued for alleged rape of 17-year-old boy
Gay Porn Kingpin Lucas: Muslim Homophobia Becoming 'Very Inconvenient' for Liberals
Read, note what's missing from headline - Sex diseases in US surge to record high
"Goes too far?" - Isn't this who they are and what they do?
Back to Top of Page
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Health Hazards of the Homosexual Lifestyle
Get the book: The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals
The CDC, ironically celebrates LGBTQ then simutaneously reports the inherent dangers. Obviously pandering and condescending and promoting a lie while telling how bad it really is.
"CDC data show that lesbian, gay, and bisexual high school students are at substantial risk for serious health outcomes as compared to their peers."
"Were Physically Forced to Have Sexual Intercourse - The prevalence of having been forced to have sexual intercourse was higher among gay, lesbian, and bisexual (21.9%) than heterosexual (5.4%)"
"23% of LGB students who had dated or went out with someone during the 12 months before the survey had experienced sexual dating violence in the prior year"
"18% of LGB students had experienced physical dating violence"
"18% of LGB students had been forced to have sexual intercourse at some point in their lives.3"
"Based on the 2013 NHIS data, 96.6% of adult sidentified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual."
"gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections."
8 times more likely to have tried to commit suicide
6 times more likely to report high levels of depression
3 times more likely to use illegal drugs
3 times more likely to have risky sex
Sexual Risk Behaviors Can Lead to HIV, STDs, & Teen Pregnancy
LGBT Youth
Sexual Orientation and Health Among U.S.Adults [PDF]
HIV and Gay and Bisexual Men - The Numbers
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Stigma and Discrimination
Men Who Have Sex with Men
CDC survey: More homosexual, questioning teens than ever [PDF]
CDC: HIV treatment coming too late for many black Americans
CDC report: Homosexual lifestyle extremely violent - Print this article (PDF)
CDC: Half of Gay Black Men Will Get HIV - Print this article (PDF)
Video: Drug maker reveals the truth about health hazards of homosexual life
In other words, as the homosexually run United Church of Christ says, "God Is Still Speaking"
Back to Top of Page
Pederasts and pedophiles
Do you know of anyone like this? A homosexual man with his 'boy-toy' partner/'husband' adopting 2 young boys. What could possibly go wrong?
Inside the LGBTQ Activist Pedophile Ring You Haven't Heard About
Will This LGBTQ Pedophile Ring Face Federal Charges?
How Did an Accused Child Rapist Adopt Two Children?
What's Jail Like for Two Accused Child Rapists?
Charges: Sodomy, Child Molestation, Incest, Sexual Exploitation of Children
'Love Is Not Pedophilia': Judge Tears Into Gay Activists Convicted of Unconscionable Child Sex Crimes [P]
"House of Horrors" - Gay Activist Couple Who Raped and Abused Their Adopted Sons Get 100 Years in Prison
Is This How This Horrific Story Ends? [P]
Remember Them? It's All Officially Over Except... [P]
What Ever Happened to the Gay Activists Accused of Abusing Their Adopted Kids? [P]
Part 4 of a 4 part investigative series [P] |
Part 3 of a 4 part investigative series [P]
Part 2 of a 4 part investigative series [P] |
Part 1 of a 4 part investigative series [P]
Everything You Need to Know About [P] | Same article as above but with important video
Pedophiles in Lovers' Quarrel, Could Turn on Each Other [P]
When Exactly Did the Suburban LGBTQ Pedophile Ring Start? [P]
Accused Pedophiles Blab After Judge Warns Defendants to Zip It [P]
Trivializing Trauma by Normalizing Pedophilia [PDF]
The Homo-Roman-Empire - A first century artifact depicts sodomy and is celebrated by today's H community. But, it depicts an older man performing sodomy on a younger boy. Affirms the pedophile link, no?
Read the article and see the photos of the silver cup [PDF]
Sex before 8 - or it's too late!
Sean Diddy Combs
Man alleges Sean Combs drugged and raped him during a meeting at a New York hotel
Allegation: That Sean Diddy Combs Sexually Assaulted a 10-Year-Old Boy During an 'Audition.' Also accused of attack on a 17 year-old boy [PDF]
John Weaver, anti-Trump "Lincoln Project"
Why The Lincoln Project Scrubbed One of Its Co-Founders from Its Website [P]
Player in a Vocal Anti-Trump Group Could Be Engulfed in a Sex Scandal [P]
Terry Bean
Terry Bean and the HRC "Human Rights Campaign" scandal
Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey found Not Guilty of all charges
From IMDB:
"Fifteen individuals accused him of sexual abuse, including:
- journalist Heather Unruh (who alleged that Spacey sexually assaulted her son);
- Norwegian author and former royal family member Ari Behn;
- filmmaker Tony Montana;
- actor Roberto Cavazos;
- Richard Dreyfuss' son Harry;
- eight people who worked on House of Cards (2013).
- The Guardian was contacted by "a number of people" who worked at the Old Vic, where Spacey was artistic director for 11 years; they alleged that he 'groped and behaved in an inappropriate way with young men at the time'."
Kevin Spacey's Trial Begins in London - Disgraced Academy Award Winner Faces a Dozen Criminal Charges [PDF]
'Rent' actor expected to testify at Kevin Spacey sexual assault trial
Accused Child Sexual Predator Kevin Spacey Cast in Film About Falsely Accused Child Sexual Predator
Kevin Spacey sexual assault accuser dies ahead of trial [PDF]
Prosecutors drop groping case against Kevin Spacey
London police interviewed Kevin Spacey in May about sexual assault allegations from his time as head of The Old Vic theater
Kevin Spacey Accuser Drops civil Lawsuit Accusing Actor of Groping criminal trial still on. Was there a payoff here?
Civil lawsuit filed against Kevin Spacey in alleged sexual assault at Nantucket bar
'Help me;' Court filings in Kevin Spacey case show text messages accuser sent during alleged sexual assault
Wait .. What?? - But they said you're 'born that way!'
Kevin Spacey's brother blames abusive father for behavior
Sexual assault case against Kevin Spacey includes video evidence, Massachusetts State Police report says
Kevin Spacey charged with sexually assaulting son of former WCVB anchor - [PDF]
Video: - Too bad, he is a good actor
How Kevin Spacey vanished off the face of the earth: Shamed star, 59, has not been seen for a YEAR amid claims he's on a Pacific island, in France or wearing disguises
Spacey Hit With Sexual Battery Suit By Masseur Over "Extreme" 2016 Incident [PDF]
Spacey rakes in movie money despite allegations
Born that way, or a toxic childhood environment? Kevin Spacey's brother Randy Fowler says the actor is 'worse' than their Nazi rapist dad
'I woke up and Kevin Spacey was lying in bed next to me'
ABC tried to get away with mother of all spins on Spacey alleged child molestation [PDF]
All the men who have accused Kevin Spacey of sexual misconduct [PDF]
Ex-TV anchor says Spacey assaulted her son
George Takei - HellOOOooooooOO ...!!
George Takei Spoke Glowingly About Being Molested as Young Teen by Older Man
George Takei accuser alters details, but denies walking back assault claim
George Takei Claims 'Russian Bots' Pushed His Sexual Assault Allegations [P]
Former Male Model Accuses Star Trek Star George Takei Of Sexual Assault [P]
'Star Trek' actor George Takei hit with sexual assault allegations [PDF]
Sean Gravells: Ex-President of Canadian LGBTQ+ Pride
Ex-President of Canadian LGBTQ+ Pride Organization Faces Charges for Child Sexual Exploitation and Possession, Distribution of Child Abuse Material
Bruce Weber
Photog Bruce Weber sexually exploited five male models, new lawsuit filed Friday claims
Bruce Weber preyed on naive models, insiders claim
Model harassment claims cloud Paris men's fashion week
Male Models Say Mario Testino and Bruce Weber Sexually Exploited Them
Brian Singer
'Nobody Is Going to Believe You'
Dr. Richard Strauss:
From the AP: The cost of sex abuse: Victims, schools take on settlements
From NPR Radio: Ohio State Doctor Sexually Abused At Least 177 Male Students
The Catholic Church
Springfield diocese settles with man raped in 1960s by late Bishop Weldon
Ex-Cardinal McCarrick charged in Wisconsin with sex abuse of 18-year-old
"Gay" sex parties hosted by Drag Queen, at a Church, no less
Vatican orders investigation into English cathedral 'sex party,' possible ties to bishop's resignation
50 Italian priests declare their homosexuality in scandalous open letter
Claim of sexual abuse of minor against Fr. Martineau 'credible,' says Bishop McManus
Link between clergy sex abuse and homosexual priests 'can't be denied'
12 Quotes Against Sodomy That Every Catholic (actually, everyone) Should Know [PDF]
Phil Saviano, Catholic clergy abuse survivor and whistleblower, dies
Pope Francis Supports Sodomy and Holy Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians
Former Rhode Island priest faces sexual assault charges
Ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick charged with sexually assaulting teen in Massachusetts
O'Connell recalls alleged abuse by former Holyoke Catholic teacher
Springfield diocese adds 40 names to list of accused sexual abusers
Defrocked priest Richard Lavigne died as police prepared to charge him with murder in 1972 slaying of altar boy
Bishop Weldon lawsuit against Springfield Diocese continues allegations of cover-ups by top officials
Bishop Weldon accuser files lawsuit against Springfield diocese
Pedophile priest Paul Shanley, key figure in Boston clergy sex abuse scandal, dead at 89
Clergy sex abuse lawyer adds 3 to list of alleged perpetrators after settlement with Boston archdiocese
Vicar general of Springfield diocese won't accept reappointment, says he was 'unfairly' portrayed in Weldon report
Video, frank expose' of church's deep involvement It's those Bishops!
Allegation of clergy sexual abuse cover-up filed against Springfield Bishop Mitchell Rozanski
Notre Dame 'thrilled' to hire pro-abortion homosexual Pete Buttigieg. Faithful Catholics dismayed
Advocate for victims of clergy abuse calls for Springfield Bishop Mitchell Rozanski to resign
Springfield Diocese will institute series of reforms after sexual abuse claims against the late Bishop Christopher Weldon deemed credible
Read the report: Investigation of sexual abuse allegations against former Springfield Bishop Christopher Weldon - Read the Report [96MB PDF]
Report on sexual abuse allegations against late Springfield Bishop Christopher Weldon could prove pivotal
Note gender of victims not mentioned. It's a good bet they were boys.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield names 3 investigators for sexual abuse claims
Priests in group shut down by Vatican accused of sex abuse
9 Catholic priests, 1 church employee within Fall River Diocese accused of sexually abusing children decades ago
Diocese of Fall River suspends retired Catholic priests James Buckley, Edward Byington over claims of child sex abuse
'My intention is to pursue truth': Child sex abuse victim of convicted Brighton priest James Gillette encourages other survivors to come forward
Hundreds of accused clergy left off church's sex abuse lists
Bishop who investigated sex abuse accused of sex abuse
Catholic priest jailed for abusing altar boy 27 years after fleeing to Morocco
"he was a serial child molester who abused numerous young people over more than 30 years as a priest in New Mexico and Rhode Island."
Vermont diocese list of credibly accused clergy shows 2 with Western Mass. ties; allegations against both were already public
With Video Priest who appeared in The Exorcist accused of 'grooming and sexually abusing' student at Jesuit school
Catholic dioceses in 4 New England states join third-party system for reporting misconduct by bishops
Video: Guam's Catholics reckon with decades of sex abuse
Ex-Cardinal Letters To Victims Of Alleged Sexual Abuse Show Signs Of Grooming [PDF]
Unmarked buildings, quiet legal help for accused priests
Xaverian Brothers, the order that runs five high schools in Massachusetts, say 34 members (men) were credibly accused of abusing children (boys, of course)
French priest defrocked for abusing Scouts in landmark case
Sex abuse claim against late Springfield bishop Christopher Weldon demonstrates challenge victims face
Diocese: Sexual abuse allegations against late Bishop Weldon 'deeply troubling;' Bishop Rozanski to meet with alleged victim
Diocesan board heard Bishop Weldon sexual abuse allegations, former member maintains
5 Catholic priests charged in Michigan sex abuse investigation [PDF]
Here's a switch, a Catholic Priest goes up against LGBT in Poland:
Priest Kicks Sinful And Perverted Gays Out Of Mass - With Video
But then there's all this:
New York Archdiocese names 120 priests accused of sex abuse
"Why did pedophilia reach such proportions?" Benedict writes, according to the Catholic News Agency. "Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God."
Former pope contradicts Francis on clergy sex abuse
Catholic University President Demands Buffalo Bishop's Resignation [PDF]
Report: 400 Ill. Catholic clergy sexually abused children
Cardinal Admits the Catholic Church Destroyed Sex-Abuse Files [PDF]
French cardinal convicted of covering up sex abuse allegations
Convicted Australian cardinal sued over alleged abuse
Pope Francis' Summit On Clerical Sexual Abuse Was A Charade
Webster woman alleges sexual abuse by nun, settles with Rochester diocese
Statue of Polish Solidarity priest accused of pedophilia removed
Note article doesn't mention victims are young boys, a common strategy to mask the link between homosexual men as pedophilia: Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley among church leaders in Vatican for sex abuse summit
Perfect Storm: French court okays screening of film on priest's abuse of boy scouts
Led to the lifestyle - 'It Is Not a Closet. It Is a Cage.' Gay Catholic Priests Speak Out
Not just men, lesbians, too! The horrifying, unspoken world of sexually abusive nuns
Note the sex of the victims (male) is not mentioned until very end of article:
Springfield Catholic Diocese received 15 clergy sex abuse reports in 2018
N.J. Catholic dioceses release names of 188 priests and deacons accused of sexual abuse of children
Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims
Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book which claims to uncover double lives of homophobic priests who use male prostitutes
NY Times: Catholic Church in Texas Names Nearly 300 Priests Accused of Sex Abuse
Homosexuality is to blame for sexual abuse, not Catholic church, claims German cardinal
Homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Catholicism's 'final trial' before Jesus' return? [P]
Homosexual pedophiles and pederasts become priests because they see 'targets of opportunity,' Does this mean all "blessings" they did to holy water, wine and wafers weren't real and have to be "recalled?"
'Raise the Rainbow Flag, We Surrender'
Episcopal Church
Evil begets evil - They fall for homosexual marriage. 2 ho-ministers get married. They're steeped in child porn.
In the initial stories, the nature of the porn was kept secret, but you could make a pretty good guess as to the sex of the victims in the pictures or videos.
The press has a history of hiding criminal homosexual relationships because they don't fit the template of utopian, problem-free lives of the QBT community. The media is quick to identify genders when a heterosexual is involved.
Eventually, since the FBI report was released and it was shown that the victims were boys, the follow-on stories contained that information, albeit written by different reporters.
The FBI complaint can be read here - Caution - graphic description of evidence
A news article that, by design, does not mention the gender of the victims in the headline and only slips it in at the end, if at all:
Former Holyoke kindergarten teacher and Worcester rector Gregory Lisby sentenced to 6 years in prison for child (male) porn
Former Holyoke kindergarten teacher (man 'married' to a man) gets six years for child porn
Worcester priest Gregory Lisby pleads guilty to possessing child pornography
Child Porn Suspect Arraigned in Federal Court [PDF]
Episcopal Church in U.S. shrinking over same-sex marriage
Gregory Lisby, Holyoke kindergarten teacher arrested on child pornography charges, was serving 2-year suspension from Episcopal church
Gregory Lisby, kindergarten teacher and former rector accused of child pornography, to remain in custody
Bishop suspended child porn suspect Rev. Gregory Lisby from Worcester's All Saints Episcopal Church in 2018 over 'inappropriate relationship'
Gregory Lisby, hours after resigning as Holyoke kindergarten teacher, charged with possession of child pornography
'I was accused of an awful crime': Kindergarten teacher Greg Lisby accused in child porn case sent 2:30 a.m. resignation email
FBI child porn raid at Worcester church rectory leads to Holyoke kindergarten teacher's resignation
Man "married" to a former male minister FBI child porn raid at Worcester church rectory leads to Holyoke kindergarten teacher's resignation
The Boy Scouts
Not a single mention of the Christian alternative, "Trail Life USA":
Boy Scouts of America will change its name to Scouting America
Boy Scouts Reaches Settlement with Sexual Abuse Victims Worth $850 Million [P]
Boy Scouts of America reaches $850M agreement with sex abuse victims
Former Boy Scout leader sentenced to 40 years for sexually assaulting six young men
Over 82,000 People Have Filed Abuse Claims Against Boy Scouts
Videos: - 'The Ugliness:' Ex-Scouts recount stories of abuse, 100,000 cases
Boy Scouts Files For Bankruptcy As It Faces Hundreds Of Sex-Abuse Claims
'Largest Pedophile Ring on Earth': Abuse Lawyers First Case Against Boy Scouts [PDF]
Boy Scouts of America eye bankruptcy as flood of new sex abuse cases surface, including victims in Massachusetts
Thousands of Former Boy Scout Leaders Face Child Sex Allegations
More on Boy Scout perversion
Other Pederasts and pedophiles. "Targets of Opportunity"
Not just men:
Former Getwell Church youth pastor charged with having sex with minor
Sean Edward Leonard Gravells, 39, the ex-president of the North Peace Pride Society, is now facing multiple sex crime charges, including child pornography offenses [PDF]
Founder of LGBT "pride" group arrested for 30 counts of child sex crimes
Another 'Pride' Charity Founder Busted for Horrifying Crimes Against Children
A man from Provencetown? Who would have thought?
Cape Cod man accused of sexually assaulting boy in restroom arrested
Founders of LGBTQ youth group under investigation for sexual exploitation [X]
Twice-deported illegal arrested for sexually abusing minors
Taunton man, 34, raped his 14-year-old godson, performed oral sex
Group of Men Sexually Abused Toddlers in a Houston Mall Bathroom [P]
Mother of Holyoke Community Charter School student sues over alleged sexual misconduct by teacher with her 8-year-old son
LGBT Activist Teacher ARRESTED On Charges Of Raping Boy [PDF]
Jury finds Carlos Vieira, Lawrence police officer, guilty of child rape
Children's magician Scott Jameson slept in bed with young boys, filmed boys naked
University Slammed for Allowing PhD Student to Document Self-Pleasure to Child P*rn
Henry Wilson, Chelsea School Committee member, is accused of raping a 12-year-old boy inside a car after picking him up
Judge sets bail for some in sex abuse case at New England youth center
6 charged in NH youth detention center sex abuse probe [PDF]
Olympic track star arraigned in Berkshire County on charges of sexually assaulting minors as a counselor in Becket [PDF]
Olympian Conrad Mainwaring charged with sexually assaulting boys while a counselor at Camp Greylock in the 1970s
Boston man accused of secretly filming boys in bathrooms expected to plead guilty in federal court Monday
Video: Former Dem. State Rep Candidate caught meeting 14yr old
UMass College Democrats allege Holyoke, Mass. Mayor Alex Morse acted inappropriately toward college students - Related report [PDF]
Jefferson Fietek, former Emerson College assistant professor, sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexually abusing students in Minnesota
former Emerson College assistant professor, accused of sexually abusing students in MN
New accuser claims sexual assault under dental anesthesia
Pittsfield man arrested by the FBI for crossing state lines for underage sex
Ralph 'Rusty' Marino, former Stow police chief accused of arranging to meet teen boy for sex, ordered to have no contact with children younger than 18
Stow Police Chief relieved of duties after group claims he tried to solicit teen
The horror: Lawsuit Reveals Government Experiment That Gave Boys to Pedophiles To See If Sex Abuse Could Help Them [PDF]
Earning trust as a 'family friend,' Paul Menard spent years luring boys to parties at his home, then he drugged and raped them
Allen Pereira, a youth hockey coach in Massachusetts, is accused of sexually assaulting player on his team
54-year-old man accused of filming boy changing in high school locker room during wrestling meet
sexual grooming Woman who posed as boy to sexually assault up to 50 girls is jailed [PDF]
Red Sox suspend clubhouse attendant after learning of sexual assault allegations [PDF]
Pastor sentenced to over 1,000 years for sex abuse
South Carolina megachurch volunteer convicted of sexually abusing kids as young as 3
Underage Sex Sting Led by Alabama Teenagers Ensnares a Teacher
Joseph Defilippi of Chicopee sentenced to 11+ years in federal prison for online enticement of minor
FBI releases new details on Orthodox school administrator's child pornography scheme
Administrator at NY Jewish day school arrested for 'production of child pornography'
Convicted child rapist Wayne Chapman is now receiving treatment at a Boston hospital
Massachusetts man who posed as girl, lured almost 400 minors
Blackburn Says "Snapchat Is A Child Predator's Dream"
Trans activist Jonathan 'Jessica' Yaniv: 'I wanna have sex with girls under 18'
Homosexual Couple Face Trial for Raping At Least 5 of Their 9 Adopted Sons
The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked
Peabody pilot Gregory Sylvia arrested in Pennsylvania child sex sting, authorities say
15-year-old boy sexually assaulted on Boston to Bermuda cruise
Abused boys - 27 more possible graves discovered near Dozier School in Marianna
Scott McDonald, a former Bellingham Middle School teacher and coach, faces 61 charges after police said he filmed students in bathrooms
Eric Tran Thai accused of secretly filming boys in restrooms; officials say he had 45 separate recordings
Former (homo) Mass. gymnastics instructor arrested on child pornography charges
Typical media, missing the whole point: Article only mentions "man is 'married' to another man" in passing, suppressing the obvious connection between homosexuality, pornography and pedophilia
Ex-Vegas headliner faints at 20-year sentence in porn case
Another perfect example of the media or courts not revealing gender of victims when the perp is a homosexual man. In this story, the victim's age, dates
and family relations are mentioned, but then this phrase, "The victim's gender was not disclosed to better protect their identity." Since it's unclear how
not revealing the victim's gender protects identity, it is a common ploy to not put homosexuals in a bad light. When the perp is a heterosexual man and the
victim is a female, that is almost always revealed. Often, the media knows the victim gender but deliberately hides it in their articles when it's male on male abuse.
In these story we can only speculate that the perp was queer and can't know for sure until the gender of the victim is eventually revealed.
Here, the media is quick to reveal the victims of a male perp are female. If the victims were male, most likely the gender would not be revealed "to protect them."
Worcester man sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for child sex abuse images
Gender of victim not revealed, so what are we to assume? Fall River cop arrested, accused of relationship with minor, keeping explicit photos
Gender of victim revealed because perp is a man, victim a girl Mass. and RI doctor accused of molesting child, surrenders medical license
If victim was a boy, they would have just said "child" and claim that not revealing the child's sex was for their privacy
Read here [PDF] - Note in the article, "The defendant engaged in persistent and very offensive sexual crimes against an innocent victim who should have been enjoying childhood." Heinous acts, for sure.
Another story where the victims' gender is not revealed. Almost certainly, the perp was a queer man, but they deliberately leave a seed of doubt - Read PDF
And yet another story with victim gender not revealed. Foxborough teacher arrested by FBI, faces child exploitation charges
And this, is the perp a homosexual man? Hard to tell, gender of victim cloaked - Head of UMass Amherst chemical engineering department to be arraigned on child exploitation charges
See for yourself! Project Safe Childhood from the U.S. Justice Department. Dozens of stories of arrests. When the victims are female, it is clearly mentioned in the Press Releases For example (In this case, the victim was a girl, buy, if the victim was a male, the article would say he was trying to meet a 13 year old "child"). There are many of this type. However, when the victims are male and the perp is male, the victims' gender is not stated. More than likely, these cases involve homosexual men, but revealing that upsets the Homo facade of a perfect life, no problems, homosexuals are not interested in boys, etc.
Report: Second man accused of raping the same teen boy allegedly raped by a Lawrence police officer
Lawrence Police Officer Carlos Vieira charged with rape of a child after allegedly meeting, having sex with 13-year-old boy he met online
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KARMA: Peers Demand CA Democrat Who Honored Stormy Daniels Step Down Amid 'Numerous' Sexual Harassment Claims
Former youth services worker pleads guilty to sexually assaulting boy in his custody
Former scoutmaster who admitted to raping boys in Mass. now facing charges in Conn.
Female Ex-teacher, coach gets county prison term in sex abuse case
Youth boxing coach indicted on child rape, indecent assault charges
Springfield man indicted on rape, kidnapping charges
Case Reveals Shame, Trauma of Male Sex Trafficking Victims
67-year-old man accused of kidnapping 11-year-old boy; he and two others charged with sex offenses
Video showed YMCA camp counselor walking around nude with alleged victim in indecent assault case
New sex abuse allegations levied against prominent cardinal [PDF] - Related Video
Union-Backed Substitute Teacher Who Should Have Been Fired Now Accused of Rape [P]
Ex-athletes say Ohio State doc groped, ogled men for years
Homosexuals, boys, dating Apps. What could possibly go wrong here?
Portland Resistance leader avoids prison again for sex abuse of a minor
Oh, but it's Oregon
A notorious mansion. An alleged assault by a Hollywood producer. A suicide. What happened to Brian Claflin?
Former Westfield schools worker charged after trying to meet teenage boy [PDF]
Related - Pretty dresses are no longer just for women
Deuteronomy 22:5 - A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Met Opera Suspends James Levine After New Sexual Abuse Accusations
Fashion photographer accused of touching, forcefully kissing male model
Hollywood actors speak of 'rampant' problem of male abusers targeting men
Media dancing around homosexual bent Andy Dick Fired From Movie Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Would you expect anything less? Corey Feldman reveals man/boy pedophilia in Hollywood - Video
HIV-Infected School Aide Accused Of Sexually Assaulting 42 Children
Even homosexual writer says new 'gay' movie goes too far
Egypt gets it right - Egypt arrests 7 for raising rainbow flag at indie rock gig
Sally Naumann, 85 Year Old Hero, expresses her concerns for HBT Life Style Health
Sally Naumann wins Family Advocate Award
Viciously attacked for her concerns and beliefs
Fearless 85-year-old says no to LGBT flag at church. Now the entire town is against her
Video - Homosexual coffee store owner doesn't want Christian customer. Why do we not take the same legal action they do against Christian businesses? Caution, strong, offensive anti-Christian ranting:
Angry gay owner unleashes vile attack, kicks out Christians drinking coffee in his shop
Gay Democratic Mayor of Seattle - This is what they do ....
Seattle's 'gay' mayor enjoyed nice run at outrunning accusers
Seattle's 'Gay' Democratic Mayor Resigns After 5th Sexual Abuse Allegation
LGBTQ Commission Calls for Resignation of 'Gay' Democratic Mayor of Seattle on Sex Abuse Accusations
'Gay,' Democratic Mayor of Seattle Sued for Alleged Sexual Abuse of Boy
Ten Things Gay Men Should Discuss with their Healthcare Provider
Ten Things Gay Men Should Discuss with their Healthcare Provider (2nd Ver.)
Lesbian couple - one has a baby girl via donated sperm where the man signed away any rights as a parent. The lesbians break up as "parents" so the mother can go on welfare. The State then tries to force the man to pay child support. The lesbians remain a couple, minus the legal responsibilities of a couple, (and actually support the man) to get the welfare.
Nov. 30, 2016, 10:00 a.m. Kansas judge rules sperm donor does not have to pay child support
Nov. 30, 2016, 6:00 p.m. - That didn't take long! The State of Kansas is trying to make a lesbian couple's sperm donor pay child support
Sodomfrisco has turned into a sewer, the worse slums in the world
Homosexual "professor" who wished 'someone would just shoot Trump' is fired before starting teaching [PDF]
Paying the Price - Human ken doll has 11th operation to fix severely damaged nose after it was compared to a 'car crash' It's all downhill from here.
How is this purposeful disfiguration different from transgender surgery?
Clearly in need of help - Human Ken Doll films as doctors giving him CAT EYES
Syphilis cases hit highest level since 1949 amid rise in risky sex Between - guess who
Born that way? Woman admits her sexual orientation is a CHOICE!
Lawsuit alleges Seattle Mayor Ed Murray sexually abused troubled boy in 1980s
Why Gay 'Marriage' Has Not Cured Gay Loneliness [P]
Straight WNBA star: Lesbian culture broke my spirit
Stefano Brizzi, Breaking Bad obsessed satanist who murdered cop he met on Grindr and dissolved him in acid is found dead
Bucks County Authorities Make Arrest In Fetish-Themed Child Predator Sex Ring [PDF]
Homophobia Causes STDs and Fat-Shaming Causes Obesity (and Other Urban Myths) [P]
George Michael's boyfriend denies any involvement in his death
Tinder and Grindr dating apps linked to more than 500 crimes including murder, rape and child abuse
'Gay' teacher and his 'husband' sexually abused 8 boys
Breaking Bad-obsessed Satanist who murdered cop he met on Grindr and dissolved his body in acid is jailed for life
Matt Walsh: Today I was traumatized by a racist, sexist, transphobic mall Santa [Video]
Landlord Caught Having Sex In Tenants's Bed
Grindr serial killer Stephen Port to spend the rest of his life behind bars
Pervert Kinsey: Latest on scientist who mainstreamed pedophilia [PDF]
Police: Ex-Con Arrested For Ramen Noodle Attack On His Boyfriend [PDF]
Extinction of 'straight white males' applauded by Hillary surrogate Dunham
'GRINDR MURDER' City worker Stefano Brizzi accused of Grindr murder admits episode of Breaking Bad inspired him to dissolve PC's body in acid
Want movie to make more money? Drop 'gay' content [P]
10 Examples of Men Abusing Target's Dangerous Policy
LGBTQQIAAP - The Absurd Alphabet of Gender Identity [P]
GOP platform survives 'gay' scam
Study: Higher health risks for homosexuals
LGBT health disparity: 'Homophobia' not the culprit
Why Couldn't Hundreds Of Gays Defeat One Puny Islamic Terrorist In Orlando?
Omar Mateen's alleged gay lover said Orlando shooting was motivated by rage against Puerto Rican men who rejected him
Man Claiming to Be Orlando Shooter's Former Gay Lover Reveals Possible Motivation Behind Attack
Gay YouTube Star Claims He Was Assaulted Near Gay Club - but Police Come to Different Conclusion
Lesbian 'gender non-conforming' couple tries to force son to have 'queer' gender relationship
I wish I had been told about these risks before I had gender surgery [P]
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As in the Days of Noah:
Isaiah 3:9
The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.
20,000 lesbians in the desert: welcome to the Dinah, a world without men
Someone clueless as to the meaning of "Free Speech"
A simple search of 'homosexual men' at the International Epidemiological Association website leads to many articles, all bad news for 'gay' men
Transgender woman says she was raped in Stonewall Inn bathroom
Ex-LAPD Officer Mitch Grobeson Pleads Not Guilty to Felony Assault Charges Obsessed with his "gayness" - He Doth Protest too much
Woman used rubber penis to pretend to be a man to lure girls into sex
How many of these go unreported?
lesbian impregnated with black man's sperm loses case
Taxpayers Spend $3.5 Million to Find Out Why Lesbians Are Fat
Speaking of which, Rosie proves that gender disorders are actually symptoms of deeper psychological problems
Cops Arrest Woman, 57, For Battering Female Domestic Partner With Dildo
The Father Of Seven Who Believes He's a Six-Year-Old Girl [P]
Parents livid, homosexual site uses their kids' photos
'Gay' rights built on deception, author reveals
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Homofascism (see also First Amendment Supremacy Clause):
what is 'Homofascism'?
Homo-Fascism is a form of extreme left-wing radicalism which attempts to establish rigid totalitarian controls over public discussions and policies addressing sexual morality, and to punish or suppress all disapproval of homosexuality and related sexual behaviors.
Click here to continue reading ...
Homo-fascism emerged as a socio-political phenomenon with the June 28, 1969 Stonewall Riot in New York City, which is today celebrated annually by the homosexual movement as "Gay Pride Day." Stonewall represented a shift in goals for the "gays" from tolerance ("the right to be left alone") to control (the complete restructuring of society with "gays" or their surrogates in all seats of power), and a shift in tactics from civil dialogue to implacable militancy.
While traditional liberalism values the First Amendment freedoms of speech, thought and religion as the highest ideals of civilization, homo-fascists seek to criminalize any exercise of these ideals that are deemed to be a threat to "gay" culture. Present day examples of homo-fascist policies include speech codes in schools and colleges, anti-discrimination regulations in government agencies and private corporations, and de-facto anti-family censorship policies in the news media. Where pro-family speech and other activities are not yet constrained by law, homo-fascists employ bullying and other intimidation tactics to silence opponents and manipulate policy makers, all while posing as victims.
Finished Reading
The primary remaining barrier to homo-fascism in America is the First Amendment. However, homo-fascist ideology has crept into both the judiciary and regulatory agencies tasked with civil rights enforcement so that in recent years sexual orientation regulations (SORs) are frequently held to trump the First Amendment. Following are examples of this dangerous phenomenon:
Homofascism: Child taken from parents
When your son says he's a girl
MA Bans Couple From Adopting Foster Kids Because They're Conservative Christians
Southampton couple seeking to adopt sues state DCF, claiming bias against Catholic faith
CA Students to Face 'Restorative Justice' After Misgendering Incident [P]
Amherst schools to undergo LGBTQ+ trainings after discrimination accusations
Washington To Allow Children to Be Legally Taken From Parents If They Don't Consent to Gender Transition [P]
Maryland School District Removes Parental Right to Opt-Out of Certain Curriculum, Makes LGBTQ-Themed Books Required Reading [PDF]
Great perspective:
"I do sympathize with the confused transgender students," Alexander explained to EWTN, "because they've been wronged by their parents and by society and by the education system that has pushed this indoctrination on them. But at the same time that doesn't mean I'm going to condone their wrongful behavior, especially when it's a violation of my female peers' privacy."
Catholic School Suspended Student Who Spoke Out Against Transgender Bathroom Policy [P]
Canadian tribunal rules 6-year-old girl's rights not violated by radical gender ideology
Mom Files Lawsuit After State Denies Adoption Due To Her Christian Beliefs
Corrupt Kids and Override Parents is Fed Goal in New Title IX
Mother Loses Custody of Daughter for Failure to 'Affirm' Trans Identity
Pronoun Passports Are Coming
Woman, 80, Banned from YMCA After Complaining About Trans 'Woman' in Locker Room [P]
PayPal CEO admits 'SPLC helps us' figure out who to ban
Twitter is homophobic - Cowards who cave to the MoGenda [PDF]
Homophobic Twitter Denies Appeal for The Babylon Bee [P]
Twitter is Punishing Another Account Over Rachel Levine [P]
YouTube Deplatforms Conservative Teen Girl After Criticizing Pride Month
Magistrate says kids do better with mom, dad - firing upheld
A warning from Canada over who loses with 'equality'
Sexual liberty over religious liberty? That's not 'equality'
Father Gagged, Found Guilty Of 'Family Violence' For Calling Trans Daughter A 'She'
Video - Dean resigns over school's opposition to Chick-fil-A 'corporate values'
Free Speech Is Dead in Canada: The Persecution of Christian Activist Bill Whatcott
Think Speech: That Giant Liberty-Sucking Sound From the Tolerant Left
Christian businessman sent to federal prison for freeing child from court-imposed lesbian 'mother'
Lesbians charge chaplain for abiding by his beliefs
Planet Fitness bans woman for objecting to sharing locker room with 'transgender' man [PDF]
British National Health System Dr. Fired for Using Biologically Based Gender Pronouns
Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college's gender policy draft says [PDF]
Criticize 'child abuse' on Facebook, get banned for 'hate speech'
Christian teacher booted for refusing to call girls by boys' names
Student Kicked Out of 'Christian Theology' Class for Stating There Are Two Genders [P]
Pastor not backing down from fight he never wanted
Christian students' club on probation for following Christian ethics
'Gender-expansive' school takes kids' side over parents in gender-identity disputes [P]
Portland, Maine's New Transgender Policy Tramples on Parental Rights
Roy Moore stands with homophobic supporters
Georgetown Students Fail to Sanction Pro-Traditional Marriage Group
She publicly turned from her lesbian lifestyle, so this college refused to hire her as a coach [PDF] - Watch the video interview - Source article from The Blaze
Flashback, 2002 - Kodak fires man over 'gay' stance [P]
Video - Homosexual coffee store owner doesn't want Christian customer. Why do we not take the same legal action they do against Christian businesses? Caution, strong, offensive anti-Christian ranting:
Angry gay owner unleashes vile attack, kicks out Christians drinking coffee in his shop
East Lansing Demonstrates How Not to Respond to Anti-LGBT "Christian" Businesses
So, LGBT activists really DO want to put Christians in jail
'ABC News has committed journalistic malpractice'
Hate Accusers Are Getting Some Serious Pushback [P]
Watch army ranger alum give 'babies' afraid of Chick-fil-A a lesson they will never learn in school
'Small-town florist' warns: 'Gay' art mandate threatens 'everyone'
Another state (Iowa) tells churches to shut up about transgenders (Video included)
Family Bakery Bullied by Militant LGBT Mob Closes
More LGBT rights, less religious freedom rights
Not just bakers, florists and photogs: Now printers in same-sex war [P]
Gov't to fire Christian for not viewing pro-LGBT video?
Fed report: Amend laws so 'gay' rights trump faith
Omaha schools pushing transgender politics on students
Just As Predicted, Gay Activists and Their Allies Attack the Messengers [P]
Transgender edict: You will be made to comply
Macy's fires man for views on transgender in ladies' room
No limit to impact of pro-LGBT overhaul of history
Outrage over NBA yanking All-Star Game from Charlotte
Christian baker takes 'compulsion of speech' case to Supremes [P]
At issue: The right to private religious thought - | - Thought Control - Fascist Macy's
Popular Pastor Leaves School Board Over Policy Teaching Students Safe Homosexual Sex, Abortion
ChristianMingle Must Include Gays, Judge Rules
Hollywood 'blacklisted' conservative actress over beliefs
Canada's Tories usurped by LGBT infiltrators
Mississippi governor: 'Secular' world angry over LGBT law
Pressure unrelenting to normalize LGBT on big screen
NYC adds 29 new gender terms to $250K fine list
Transgender teacher wins $60,000 for being called 'she'
NYC to fine $250K for not calling transgenders 'ze' or 'hir'
Franklin Graham to NYC mayor: Stop bullying Chick-fil-a
'We demand marriage equality, separate graduations!'
Missouri State boots student over Christian belief about 'gays'
Music teachers in Mass. schools told to integrate full LGBT agenda into their classes
The Mental Illness of Target
Univ. denies student degree over same-sex stance
Fired for preaching: Georgia dumps doctor over church sermons
At public meeting: Tenn. School Board member confronts LGBT threats -- prior to vote on "gay" club rules
PayPalling around with Radicals
Pro-LGBT corps. blasting NC, GA bills exposed
Liberal College 101: Punished for defending free speech
North Carolina starts to see economic damage from 'anti-bias' law
PayPal moves to punish North Carolina over transgender law
Preschooler expelled when parents object to 'gender' ed.
Pay Attention, Christians. They're Coming After The Churches Now.
Christians Must Unite Now Against Gay Bullies and Their Allies [P]
ABA scolded on plan to punish attorneys for religious beliefs
As Predicted, Here Come The Gay Bullies (Is this the Gay Gestapo?) [P] As reported by Pink News
Homosexual activist groups putting on the pressure
School's change to state nondiscrimination policy contested
Deny God exists ... or you fail
Catholic Archbishop in Australia faces fines, punishment over marriage pamphlet that LGBT movt claims is "insulting." Demandng "gay" diversity training in Catholic schools
The Hypocrisy of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Thousands Petition Hospital to Reinstate Ousted Doctor, States Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Judge yanks foster child from lesbians' home [P]
Judge caves to homofascist pressure, reverses decision. AP does usual rambling pro-gay article
Teacher wrongly terminated for refusing to address a 6-year-old girl as a transgender boy
Speak the truth about 'gay' lifestyle, lose your job
Equality Act creates 'LGBT rights' - everywhere! br>
AFA's Anti-Christian Bigotry Map
Media hush-hush - unless it's pro-LBGT side
Knee-Jerk Retraction on Military Study
Comic shows deeper issues:
10 Reasons to Oppose "same-sex marriage" -- Young Americans are not about to allow the sacred institution of marriage to be thrown under the bus by the homosexual movement .
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